A Message of Hope

Caring for a loved one with a serious mental illness can be both physically and emotionally stressful.

Family members often become overwhelmed with feelings of isolation and fatigue. Oaks offers Intensive Family Support Services (IFSS) in Camden and Mercer Counties to help families learn to be supportive in ways that promote wellness, recovery and independence. Caregivers can choose from a variety of services such as individualized consultation, support groups, respite activities, advocacy and referral information.

We recently received a letter from a family member which serves as an important reminder that compassion and commitment make an incredible impact on so many lives. The letter details their struggles as a family for over ten years, the benefits and effectiveness of our programs, praise for our supportive IFSS staff and the unfortunate passing of their daughter who battled both mental health and substance abuse issues. Despite their incredibly difficult story, the letter closes with a message of hope that reads-

“So if you ever get frustrated or question the importance of these programs, please remember us and this letter. You and your employees are transforming lives every day, one client at a time, one session at a time. Please don’t ever lose sight of how valuable your programs are to your clients and their families. Your programs transform lives and make the unmanageable manageable.”

We know asking for help isn’t always easy. If you or someone you know needs support caring for a loved one with mental illness, call IFSS today to make an appointment.