May is Mental Health Awareness Month – a time to raise awareness and share resources so anyone affected by mental illness can find the support needed to live a healthy, fulfilling life. Now more than ever, it’s important to support one another through all of life’s challenges. Yet, finding the words to begin the conversation with a loved one about mental health can be daunting.

Not knowing how to discuss it is normal! Check out these 7 ways to prepare for the conversation and show your support to others who are struggling:

friends supporting each other

1. Give them time to share with you.

Offer your loved one space and time to open up about mental health. They might not be ready to talk just yet or might find it easier to discuss things after they’ve had more time.

2. Practice listening.

Simply allowing your friend to discuss their feelings in an open environment can make a big impact. Clarify what type of support they would like such as listening, giving advice, or just being by their side.

3. Provide reassurance and encouragement.

Mental illness can make people feel misunderstood or lonely. Let your loved one know you’re there for them. Try words of encouragement like, “You’re not alone,” or “I’m here for you if you need me.”

4. Remind them of their importance to you.

Validation and simple reminders can go a long way. Remind your friend that you care through sending a message to make them smile or planning things to do that you both enjoy, such as watching a movie or going for a walk together.

5. Offer your help if needed.

Discuss how you can help ease some of their stress in any way. From being there for support to guiding their treatment process, any form of welcomed assistance can make a big difference.

6. Continue to check in on them.

Ask how they’re doing and keep extending the invitation to events or simple hangouts. While they may not always reply or attend, an occasional message just to check in can help show your support.

7. Provide resources for professional help.*

If your loved one is ready to seek help, provide them with local resources for mental health treatment providers such as Oaks Integrated Care. For more information about our services, call our Access Center at 1-800-963-3377 or submit a contact form.

*Remember, if you or someone you know is experiencing a crisis, please call our confidential point of entry: (856) 428-4357 (HELP). If at any time you or someone you know is at imminent risk of harm, please call 911 immediately.