Recovery is for everyone: every person, every family, every community. Recognized every September, National Recovery Month promotes substance use treatment and mental health services which support those battling these disorders in leading healthy and rewarding lives. At Oaks, our goal is to offer hope for long-term recovery and a chance to end the revolving door of treatment. Read Chris’ inspiring story of recovery.

Chris’ Story

Chris first attended an assessment interview at the COPE Center in 2019, after being referred to treatment for assistance with his co-occurring issues and a history of substance use. At the time of the assessment interview, Chris reported a lifelong history of trauma, grief, loss, and mental health symptoms of anxiety and depression. He also described an extensive legal history with several periods of incarcerations and was awaiting sentencing on his current charge. If convicted, he could face a 30-year prison sentence.

Dad and boy

Our treatment team recommended outpatient services to Chris, including attending three weekly groups, individual counseling sessions, and a psychiatric evaluation to manage his mental health needs. During his treatment period at the COPE Center, Chris’ mental health symptoms stabilized and he developed skills to manage his symptoms constructively.

Chris utilized his individual counseling to process his abusive childhood, his gang-involved life in the streets, and the loss of a child. In time, Chris began to understand how these traumatic life events impacted his mental health and substance abuse disorders. He became motivated to change the trajectory of his life by gaining employment, remaining substance free, and working closely with his psychiatrist and counseling staff. Chris also served as a meaningful contributor, humble leader, and supportive peer in group settings.

After many delays, Chris had his sentencing date in March 2022. Prior to sentencing, he worked with his counselor to manage elevated levels of anxiety due to the impending reality of leaving his wife and 5 children. The Judge reviewed the progress he made at COPE Center and recognized his ability to turn his life around from a career criminal to a productive member of society. Thankfully, Chris was given 6 months of electronic monitoring and 5 years of supervised release – he avoided jail time altogether.

Chris expressed gratitude for the outcome and articulated how the tools and support he received during his time at the COPE Center were instrumental to his life changes. With the resolution of his legal case, sustained abstinence from all substances, and stabilization of mental health symptoms, he successfully completed treatment.

Chris’ story remains a powerful voice for all those on the road to recovery. While taking the steps to recovery may feel daunting, Oaks is here to help guide you or your loved one in the process. To learn more about Oaks services or schedule an appointment, call our Access Center at 1-800-963-3377 or fill out a contact form.