June is Men’s Mental Health Month, a time to raise awareness about the struggles men face and dismantle the harmful stereotypes that prevent them from seeking help.

Young Man in meeting

The Challenge

Society often portrays men as stoic and emotionally reserved. Phrases like “man up” or “boys don’t cry” create a culture of silence around men’s mental health. This can lead to under-diagnosis and under-treatment of mental health conditions in men.

The Reality

Mental health issues don’t discriminate based on gender. Men experience depression, anxiety, and other conditions at similar rates to women. However, men are:

  • Less likely to seek help: The stigma surrounding seeking help can be a major barrier.
  • More likely to engage in risky behaviors: Self-medication with alcohol or drugs can be a way to cope with unaddressed mental health issues.
  • More likely to die by suicide: Men account for a much higher percentage of suicides than women.

Breaking the Silence

Creating a supportive environment where men feel comfortable talking about their mental health is crucial. Here’s how we can all play a part:

  • Normalize conversations: Talk openly and honestly about mental health with friends, family, and colleagues, especially men.
  • Challenge stereotypes: Discourage the use of phrases that reinforce the idea that men shouldn’t seek help.
  • Promote resources: Share information about mental health hotlines, therapy services, and support groups specifically for men.

For Men

  • You’re not alone: Mental health struggles are common, and there’s no shame in seeking help.
  • Talking helps: Sharing your feelings with a trusted friend, family member, or therapist can be incredibly beneficial.
  • There are resources available: There are professionals who specialize in men’s mental health and can provide the support you need.

Taking Action

  • Check in on your friends and family: A simple “How are you doing?” can open the door to a conversation.
  • Educate yourself about men’s mental health: The more we understand the challenges men face, the better equipped we are to support them.
  • Advocate for mental health services: Support policies that make access to mental healthcare easier for everyone.

Men’s mental health matters, every month, not just in June. Let’s break down the stigma, promote open communication, and ensure that men have the resources they need to thrive.

Here are some resources for men’s mental health:

If you or a loved one are ready to seek help for your mental health, take the first step and call our Access Center:1-800-963-3377.