September marks National Recovery Month, a time to celebrate the strength and resilience of individuals overcoming addiction. At Oaks Integrated Care, we have had the privilege of supporting countless people as they reclaim their lives from addiction. Below are a few stories of individuals who faced immense challenges, but with the right guidance and support, found a way to break free. These stories highlight the importance of mental health, support networks, and the power of change.

Proud Man

Chris’ Journey: From Prison to Purpose

Chris battled a history of trauma, substance use (opioids, cocaine, and cannabis), and mental health struggles, including anxiety and depression. Facing a 30-year prison sentence for conspiracy, he was stuck in a cycle of addiction and legal issues.

Through outpatient treatment, individual counseling, and psychiatric support, Chris learned to address the root causes of his addiction. He processed childhood trauma and the grief of losing a child, and with the right tools, he stabilized his mental health and remained substance-free. His transformation was so significant that, at sentencing, the judge commended his progress, reducing his prison sentence to electronic monitoring and supervised release.

Ernesto’s Path: From Addiction to Stability

Ernesto, arrested for conspiracy, was addicted to daily cannabis use and suffering from anxiety and depression. His substance use impacted his ability to hold a job, maintain relationships, and left him facing up to 20 years in prison.

The Oaks Cope Center provided Ernesto with weekly therapy, psychiatric evaluations, and drug screenings. With consistent support, he remained sober, processed childhood trauma, and built a new life. He passed his CDL exam, secured a stable job, repaired his relationship with his girlfriend, and avoided prison time altogether, receiving probation instead.

Tom’s Recovery: From Meth Addiction to Helping Others

Tom, addicted to methamphetamine and GHB, was caught in a downward spiral fueled by unresolved trauma from being bullied for his sexual orientation. His substance use had started in his teens and continued for over 20 years, leaving him feeling hopeless.

Tom participated in an intensive recovery program at Oaks that addressed both his addiction and his trauma. With medication for bipolar disorder and support from group therapy, Tom remained substance-free and began to rebuild his life. His progress in treatment led to a reduction in his sentence from over seven years in prison to federal probation. Today, Tom works as a certified Recovery Support Specialist, helping teens overcome their own struggles.

These stories of triumph over addiction remind us of the power of support, community, and persistence. At Oaks Integrated Care, we celebrate each individual who, through courage and determination, has found their way to recovery. This Recovery Month, we honor their journeys and reaffirm our commitment to providing the care and resources needed to help others break free from addiction. Together, we can make recovery a reality for many more.

If you are struggling with your mental health or addiction, there is help available. Our programs throughout New Jersey give individuals the opportunity to make healthy choices, stabilize symptoms of illness and eventually reach his or her full potential. To learn more about Oaks services or schedule an appointment, take the first step and call our Access Center at 1-800-963-3377.