LGBTQ+ youth deserve support, affirmation and safety. However, from home, to school to healthcare spaces, many LGBTQ+ youth feel unsafe or unwelcome, causing a lack of comfortable conversation. To better meet the needs of all young people, it is essential to integrate safe spaces for an open dialogue with LGBTQ+ youth.

Research notes LGBTQ+ youth are more likely than their peers to experience stigma in an environment. Additionally, LGBTQ+ youth of color are at disproportionate risk for negative sexual health outcomes and face stigma related to race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression. This stigma and discrimination places LGBTQ+ youth at higher risk of mental health issues and poverty.

Creating safe and welcome spaces for LGBTQ+ youth is essential to promoting growth and inclusivity. According to Advocates for Youth, safe spaces can be defined as “the environmental product of a conscious set of decisions and actions taken by individuals to promote equality, fairness, non-violence, and affirmation of the unconditional value of all peoples, where youth are free to grow, thrive, and express their individual identities.”

Building a safe and welcoming environment for LGBTQ+ youth can incorporate different factors. Consider including the following when creating a safe space:

  • Using inclusive language
  • Including LGBTQ+ leaders/role models
  • Maintaining confidentiality
  • Sharing LGBTQ+ youth-inclusive resources and activities
  • Celebrating unity and individuality

Implementing safe spaces can have a tremendous impact on all young people, including LGBTQ+ youth. Safe spaces are proven to promote:

  • Academic achievement
  • Parent connectedness/connections to other non-parental adults
  • School and neighborhood safety
  • Awareness and access to local health services
  • Closeness to caring friends
  • Overall resilience

A youth in one Oaks’ program explains, “It is important to provide LGBTQ+ youth with a comfortable space for conversation. Often times, LGBTQ+ youth don’t have anyone to talk to so having that comfortable space allows them to talk about what is going on, listen to others and ask questions about how they should move around the community.” The youth adds, “Our program is supportive, helpful and encourages me to live the life I’ve wanted to live since being a small child.”

If you or a loved one are struggling with mental health, Oaks offers caring, compassionate services for adults, children and families living with a mental illness. Our programs throughout New Jersey give individuals the opportunity to make healthy choices, stabilize symptoms of illness and eventually reach his or her full potential. To learn more, take the first step and call our Access Center at 1-800-963-3377.