To have a strong effect on someone or something.

To say 2020 has been challenging would be the understatement of the year. As we typically do, we started January with high hopes and projections for a smooth and positive year. While the year was anything but smooth, I genuinely believe it was one of our most positive based on the impact we had on our community despite the challenges we faced. Heroes Work Here

I cannot even begin to express the gratitude I have for Oaks’ frontline heroes. Our employees quickly rose to the occasion, demonstrating flexibility, versatility and profound dedication. They implemented telehealth services to ensure anyone in need of support could reach out at any time. Our facilities staff quickly made sure our office buildings, residential locations and food pantries had the required PPE and precautions in place to ensure safe access to food and services.

The community also rose to the occasion, ensuring over 700 youth received backpacks at the start of this unconventional school year. The donations provided a bit of normalcy and comfort for students knowing that they had the supplies needed to succeed. Our food pantries saw foot traffic double since the start of the pandemic. With your support, not only were we able to meet the demand, we were also able to distribute over 2250 Thanksgiving meals so our neighbors could celebrate the holiday without worrying about how to afford it.

While I am grateful for our team and supporters, I’d be remiss not to mention my concern for our consumers’ mental health in the coming months, particularly those who thrive with face-to-face support. With things like wage loss and food insecurity on the rise, the pandemic has increased stress in so many, both in our care and in the community. We’ve taken a rigorous, proactive approach by adopting the foundational belief that suicide deaths are preventable and establishing the Zero Suicide Implementation Team at Oaks. Even one life lost is simply too many, and we commit to doing better so we may recognize the signs and intervene before it’s too late.

I look forward to 2021 with cautious optimism because as we have learned, we can’t guarantee what the future holds. What I can guarantee is that Oaks will continue to rise to the challenge, as we have for the last 50+ years. Our conviction to serving those most vulnerable will not waiver. If anything, it has only grown stronger.

As the year comes to a close, I hope you will consider supporting our work with a year-end donation to assist us in serving our most vulnerable community members.

Thank you for being by our side and for always helping us positively impact our community, especially during the hardest of times.

With Gratitude,

Derry Holland, LCSW
Chief Executive Officer