Caring for a loved one living with mental illness can be a challenging journey and we recognize the vital role family caregivers play in providing support. Amidst the selfless dedication, it’s crucial for caregivers to prioritize their own mental well-being.

Mother with son

The Impact on Mental Health

When a loved one is diagnosed with a mental illness, finding appropriate medical and psychiatric care often becomes the caregiver’s main focus. Balancing these needs with the challenges of everyday life can be both physically exhausting and emotionally draining.  It’s important for caregivers to find balance in life by taking proactive steps to reduce stress.

Intensive Family Support Services (IFSS)

Our Intensive Family Support Services (IFSS) program helps family caregivers caring for an adult with a serious mental illness. The free program offered in Mercer and Camden Counties strives to improve caregivers’ overall functioning by offering individualized information, education and therapeutic support. Program participants can choose from a variety of services including:

Individualized Family Consultation – Family Support Specialists provide regular face-to-face and telephone support to help caregivers find ways to build balance in their lives.

Education and Resources – Team members and guest lecturers conduct educational groups to help caregivers make informed decisions and navigate the complexities of their roles. Past topics include financial management, coping strategies, health diagnoses and more.

Support Groups – Support groups provide an opportunity for families to meet with other families and support each other with the help of a trained facilitator. Groups reflect the current needs of our families including families with schizophrenic loved ones, parents with mentally ill adult children, etc.

Respite and Social Activities – Respite gives caregivers planned time away to relieve stress and restore energy in the caregiver’s home or a community setting. Social activities such as museum trips, miniature golf, the movies and other fun outings, provide a relaxed venue for caregivers and to interact with peers experiencing similar situations.

Advocacy and Referral – Family Support Specialists help caregivers become more effective advocates for themselves and the person they are caring for by explaining their rights as caregivers and the rights of individuals in mental health treatment. This also includes identifying additional beneficial services and assisting with important paperwork.

One Caregiver’s Story

If you or a loved one need support services, and you don’t know where to begin start by reading this caregiver’s inspiring story.

My son, at age 22 was hospitalized 6 times in a span of two years. He was non-compliant with his medications and dangerously close to an irreversible, life altering moment. I was at a total loss on how to help him.

The mental health system can be both overwhelming and frustrating for both patients and caregivers. I did my research and was able to understand my son’s diagnosis, but was drowning in grief, guilt, and confusion. I was struggling to be my son’s advocate and support system.

I found IFSS and sent in a request for more information which immediately had a positive impact on me. They helped me set goals for both my son’s treatment and provided the life preserver when I was drowning. I am forever grateful for the knowledge, experience, and guidance.

IFSS also recommended that my son participate in the Oaks Intensive Outpatient Commitment (IOC) program. My son was assigned a caseworker and her dedication has made an incredible difference in his recovery. She played basketball with him, took him to get his meds and spent hours with him patiently waiting for him to open-up.

The caseworker also created a connection with me, regularly checking in and asking questions about my son’s progress. Having someone to help my son manage his treatment, independent of me, was a lifesaver. My son took more ownership over his recovery. Today he is still working with the caseworker. He is also steadily on his medication, working and has not been in the hospital for 10 months.  

A year ago, my family’s future seemed very dark. Today, thanks to the amazing professionals from IFSS, there is hope.”

– Jane, loving mother and caregiver

To learn more about Oaks services, take the first step and call our Access Center at 1-800-963-3377.