Engaging in hobbies can have a profoundly positive impact on your mental health. Hobbies are known to reduce stress, enhance your mood, increase creativity, improve focus and concentration levels, bring a sense of accomplishment and enhance social connections. They also give you a sense of identity, promote self-expression and help build resilience.

Two men walking outside

Here are some hobby ideas that you can explore and find one that gets your creative juices flowing.

1. Creative Hobbies

Sensory hobbies like painting, crafts, cooking/baking, pottery, and sculpting can open the doorway to creativity by bringing out your best creative expression. Find your calling and the world is your oyster!

2. Physical and Outdoor Hobbies

Research proves that interacting with nature has cognitive benefits that instantly boost your mood! Explore a wide range of activities from intense ones like hiking, trekking, cycling, or rock climbing to more mellow ones like gardening, yoga, meditation, or dancing; either way you’ll reap the benefits of movement.

3. Learning and Educational Hobbies

Learning a new skill or a language brings in focus and excitement, which helps flex new muscles in your brain too! Research has proven that when you learn something new, the neurons involved in the learning episode grow new projections and form new connections, which are all very helpful for better mental health.

Remember, the best hobby is one that genuinely interests you, brings you joy, and positively contributes to your mental well-being. Whether you know right off the bat where your interest lies or you’re in the exploration phase, rest assured picking up a new hobby will give you a well-rounded experience that instantly lifts your mood!

If you or a loved one are struggling to find joy or cope, Oaks offers caring, compassionate programs for adults, children and families living with mental illness. Our programs throughout New Jersey give individuals the opportunity to make healthy choices, stabilize symptoms of illness and eventually help reach his or her full potential.

To learn more about Oaks services or schedule an appointment, take the first step and call our Access Center at 1-800-963-3377.