Heading back to work or school after the holidays can sometimes feel overwhelming and stressful. Some of us might not have gotten a chance to take a breather, and the return to everyday life can take its toll. Kicking off the new year on the right foot can set the tone for the rest of the year. Check out these easy steps to reset your mind and body after the holiday season.

man exercising

Stay organized.

Life can feel hectic after the excitement of the holidays, making staying on track with your goals extra important. Keep yourself organized with a planner or online calendar. Writing out your daily tasks, goals, and deadlines sets you up to stay on track at the start of the year.

Refuel your body.

A long weekend of never-ending activities and low sleep can leave your body feeling exhausted. Make sure to hydrate your body, especially after heavy holiday meals, and eat clean foods to boost your energy levels. Sleep might have been lessened over the holidays as well, meaning a nap or two might come in handy. Progress into an earlier sleep schedule to counteract exhaustion too.

Take time for yourself.

The holidays can often revolve around spending time with loved ones, such as filling our days with events and activities. Incorporate some time for you in the post-holiday season with your favorite means of relaxation. Try journaling, watching your favorite movie, listening to a podcast, or getting a massage to destress.

Clean your space.

Heading into the new year with a messy space can add an extra level of unnecessary stress. Increase your productivity by organizing your home or workspace to set the tone for the year. Try to tackle your cleaning in sections over the course of a few days if the process seems overwhelming.

Prioritize a new hobby.

Ringing in the new year always gives us an excuse to try something new. Adding a hobby to your daily routine can help destress your mind after a challenging work day. Physical activities can include walking, biking, or even yoga. Other options can include reading, painting, gardening, or cooking.

Reach out for help.

The road back to day-to-day life after the holidays can be daunting and stressful. If you or someone you know is struggling, Oaks is here to help. For mental health resources or more information about our services, fill out a contact form or call our Access Center: 1-800-963-3377.