With all of us experiencing stress in different ways, tackling it can often feel like an individualized and personal task. However, stress can directly stem from family circumstances, making stress management something to be undertaken as a family. April is National Stress Awareness Month, an opportunity to learn about coping with life’s challenges and finding healthy outlets as a family.

Father and Son

According to the National Library of Medicine, family stress is often caused by four main sources: marital dissatisfaction, home chaos, parental depressive symptoms, and job role dissatisfaction. Coping with negative emotions, such as sadness, anger, or fear, is more difficult for children, increasing the need for parental assistance for children handling stressful experiences. Common reactions to stressful events can include shock, frustration, difficulty concentrating, or even physical pains such as headaches or stomachaches.

Learning to overcome stress as a family can help create a safer environment for all. Here are some steps you can take:

Recognize the source.

Sometimes, we have no control over the stressors in our lives. From our professional lives to day-to-day activities, stress can follow us back home to our families. When you experience a stressful event, evaluate how you respond to it and treat others in your life. Try determining how, if possible, your stress coping skills can be improved.

Work together.

If you notice your family members are worried or stressed, talk about it with them. Incorporating regular conversations with one another can build up open communication about stressful situations and how to manage them. Sharing problems and frustrations can increase trust for a healthy de-stressor and remind each other that you’re there for one another.

Build a healthy environment.

Relaxing environments are created when all parties work together. You don’t need to plan a vacation or elaborate trip to spend time with one another. Try incorporating small relaxing and meaningful activities with your family to destress, such as board games, walks or even movie nights. One of the most important times for family bonding is enjoying dinner together.

Recognize when help is needed.

Not all problems can be solved internally. Sometimes, an outside source can be a guiding voice in navigating stressful situations within the family. Find a mental health professional near you to help resolve conflicts and make adjustments within the family to cope with challenges.

Oaks Integrated Care offers counseling services for children, adults and families. To learn more or schedule an appointment, call our Access Center at 1-800-963-3377 or fill out a contact form.