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So far Pam Collins has created 182 blog entries.

Drive-Thru Backpack Giveaway Distributes Over 900 Backpacks to Camden Community

2021-09-02T14:07:07-04:00September 2nd, 2021|Categories: Press Release, Home Page|

Mount Holly, NJ | August 31, 2021 – Oaks Integrated Care distributed over 900 brand new backpacks filled with school supplies to the Camden community at their Drive-Thru Backpack Giveaway event on August 28th. The nonprofit organization partnered with the Food Bank of South Jersey to also provide free Kids Meal Kits to all participants. Hosted by the Kroc Center in Camden, NJ, families in need of support could safely stay in their cars while volunteers, staff and Camden County Police Officers packed trunks with donations. Staff, volunteers, partners and Camden County Police Get Ready for the Drive-Thru Backpack Giveaway Event. The event was part of Oaks’ annual Operation Fill-A-Backpack drive which collected 1,000 additional stuffed backpacks [...]

Understanding 7 Common Myths About Suicide

2023-11-15T14:18:01-05:00September 16th, 2021|Categories: Oaks Blog, Home Page|

September is National Suicide Prevention Month. According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States. We’ve taken a rigorous, proactive approach by adopting the foundational belief that suicide deaths are preventable and establishing the Zero Suicide Implementation Team at Oaks Integrated Care. By creating a culture that’s informed about mental health and makes suicide prevention a priority, we can save lives together. Unfortunately, there are many common myths about suicidal behaviors, feelings and thoughts. Understanding these myths is essential to reducing the stigma and creating a supportive environment. MYTH #1: “If I talk about suicide, I am planting a seed or encouraging someone to consider suicide.” Research indicates [...]

Backpack Giveaway Benefits 900 Camden Kids

2021-09-16T17:00:13-04:00September 1st, 2021|Categories: Press Coverage|

TAPintoCamden, September 1, 2021 CAMDEN NJ — To help city school children get ready to return to their classrooms, several nonprofit partners hosted a drive-thru, backpack giveaway outside the Salvation Army Kroc Center on Harrison Avenue. Mount Holly-based Oaks Integrated Care organized Saturday’s event, distributing over 900 new backpacks filled with school supplies to youngsters and their families. Its event partners included the Food Bank of South Jersey; Christine’s Hope for Kids; and the Camden County Police Department. Read More

5 Tips to Keep Mental Health a Priority This School Year

2021-08-22T15:21:41-04:00August 22nd, 2021|Categories: Home Page, Oaks Blog|

With September quickly approaching, students, parents and educators are busy preparing for another school year. After months of virtual learning, it’s very common for children and teens to feel nervous or apprehensive about making the return to in-person learning. Parents and guardians may feel uncertain about how to successfully make this transition with their student. Check out these five tips for parents and guardians to keep mental health a priority this school year. 1. Provide reassurance and encouragement. Make sure your student knows that it’s okay to ask for help, whether it’s from you, teachers, counselors or other school staff. Returning to school can feel difficult, so encouraging children to speak up if they are feeling anxious can make [...]

Over 1,000 Items Donated in School Supply Drive Organized by Singleton, Commissioners

2021-09-02T14:39:54-04:00August 22nd, 2021|Categories: Press Coverage|

TAPintoBordentown, September 21, 2021 WESTAMPTON, NJ —Hundreds of Burlington County students will be better prepared for the start of the new school year thanks to a successful backpack and school supplies drive organized by the Burlington County Commissioners and State Senators Dawn Marie Addiego and Troy Singleton, which included a collection site at the Bordentown Branch of the Burlington County Library. More than a thousand items were collected during the month long drive, including dozens of backpacks, calculators, binders, folders and hundreds of packages of pens, pencils, crayons, markers and other supplies. Read More

Leah’s Story: Operation Fill-A-Backpack

2021-07-28T12:37:50-04:00July 27th, 2021|Categories: Oaks Blog, Home Page|

Every child deserves a great first day of school! With back-to-school time quickly approaching this September, children and teens are preparing to return to in-person learning. For 13-year-old student, Leah, this school year brings a fresh start. After several weeks in the hospital undergoing treatment for severe and persistent mental illness, Leah has overcome the trauma of abuse and neglect and continues to welcome help with her coping skills. She is now feeling healthy and ready to tackle her last year of middle school. As a part of the Oaks Foster FLEX program, Leah shared her nerves for the upcoming school year along with her optimism that she can succeed. She would love a new backpack and supplies to [...]

Cope Center In Montclair Merges With Oaks Integrated Care

2021-07-28T22:03:53-04:00June 10th, 2021|Categories: Press Coverage|

The Montclair Patch, June 10, 2021 - There have been a lot of new partnerships formed during the coronavirus pandemic. And a merger between two health care nonprofits in New Jersey has managed to reach the finish line, even despite the challenges of the COVID-19 crisis. Last month, Oaks Integrated Care announced a merger with COPE Center, a behavioral health nonprofit based in Montclair. The new partnership expands Oaks' reach in North Jersey, furthering its position as one of the state's largest human service providers, according to a news release. Read More

Oaks Integrated Care Celebrates Outstanding Local Heroes

2021-06-03T14:01:53-04:00June 3rd, 2021|Categories: Press Release, Home Page|

Rooted in Community Awards Honors New Jersey Individuals and Corporations Making an Impact Mount Holly, NJ | June 3, 2021 – Oaks Integrated Care announces its first-ever Rooted in Community Awards to celebrate local heroes for their contributions to the community through work, service, and leadership. Dedicated to empowering individuals and meeting the needs of the community, the nonprofit organization offers over 230 mental health and addiction programs that will benefit from the event proceeds. The virtual ceremony kicks off Thursday, June 10, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. to recognize the following outstanding individuals and corporations: Tammy Snyder Murphy, New Jersey First Lady George Sowa, Founding CEO of Greater Trenton Cheryl Norton, Executive Vice President & COO of American Water [...]

6 Tips for Forming Meaningful Connections

2021-05-28T14:59:22-04:00May 29th, 2021|Categories: Oaks Blog, Home Page|

As we navigate the transition out of the virtual world, the return of face-to-face interaction can influence mental health. Social isolation is a serious health challenge that can be damaging to mental health. Therefore, the quality of our connections with one another can boost general happiness and decrease loneliness levels. For Mental Health Awareness Month this May, we believe in ensuring every person has access to resources and support for leading a healthy life. Here are 6 ways you can create more meaningful connections to feel motivated and driven to achieve a more fulfilling lifestyle: 1) Start with honesty. Some of the best conversations begin with honesty to break down barriers. Sharing authentic experiences can increase empathy levels between [...]

Greater Trenton CEO George Sowa To Be Honored by Oaks

2021-05-24T21:20:28-04:00May 20th, 2021|Categories: Press Coverage|

Trenton Daily, May 20, 2021 - Oaks Integrated Care is inviting the community to virtually celebrate five outstanding local heroes rooted in the communities we serve. On June 10, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. the Rooted in Community Awards will be honoring individuals and organizations committed to supporting our region through their work, service and leadership. The nominees include Dr. Judith A. Lightfoot, Chief of Infectious Disease at Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine; Cheryl Norton, President of New Jersey American Water; Tammy Snyder Murphy, New Jersey’s First Lady; The Food Bank of New Jersey, Represented by President and CEO Fred Wasiak; and Greater Trenton’s very own President and CEO, George Sowa. Read More

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