Oaks Integrated Care

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So far Pam Collins has created 182 blog entries.

What to Do When You Need Help with Your Mental Health

2022-05-24T13:48:26-04:00May 24th, 2022|Categories: Home Page, Oaks Blog|

When living with a mental health condition or facing a mental health concern, it’s common to feel like no one understands what you’re going through. But many people overcome the mental health challenges they face. You aren’t alone – help is out there and recovery is possible. As outlined by Mental Health America below, mental health conditions can be hard and confusing. It’s becoming more and more common to talk about mental health in the open, but there’s still a lot of stigma or judgment that people have about mental health conditions. If you’ve seen or heard negativity about the same challenges you deal with, you might internalize those attitudes and feel shame about your experiences. This shame, or self-stigma, [...]

Recognizing When You Need Help with Your Mental Health

2022-05-19T15:16:05-04:00May 19th, 2022|Categories: Oaks Blog, Home Page|

Navigating mental health challenges in our lives can sometimes feel daunting. Signs might start showing in different ways or might be hidden altogether. As outlined by Mental Health America this May in their National Mental Health Month "Back to Basics" toolkit, mental health shows you signs just like physical health. We all have days where we feel a bit sore, have a headache, or are extra tired. That doesn’t necessarily mean you’re sick. You’re sick when something suddenly and significantly changes for the worse or prevents you from functioning properly. Mental health is similar – the occasional bad day is to be expected, but when things that used to be easily become a lot more difficult, something’s going on. Instead of [...]

Understanding Mental Health Risk Factors

2022-05-03T15:10:55-04:00May 3rd, 2022|Categories: Oaks Blog, Home Page|

This May for National Mental Health Month, Oaks strives to increase knowledge and awareness around mental health and its background. According to Mental Health America, most mental health conditions don’t have a single cause – they have many possible causes, called risk factors. The more risk factors you have, the more likely you are to develop a mental health condition in your lifetime. Mental health conditions can develop slowly, or symptoms can start to appear more suddenly after you’ve experienced a stressful event or big change. Risk Factors Risk factors don’t just affect who will and won’t develop a mental health condition. They also impact the seriousness of symptoms and when those symptoms will show up. Risk factors can [...]

Recognizing Signs of Child Abuse

2022-05-10T15:21:40-04:00April 21st, 2022|Categories: Oaks Blog, Home Page|

The first step in helping a child experiencing abuse or neglect is learning to recognize the signs. During the month of April, we recognize National Child Abuse Prevention Month (NCAPM), a time to bring communities together to prevent the maltreatment of children and the importance of working to build a safe environment for all. According to the Child Maltreatment Report, approximately 2 million children received prevention services in 2021. The State of New Jersey recognizes four major types of maltreatment: physical abuse, neglect, sexual abuse, and emotional abuse. Physical abuse includes a nonaccidental physical injury caused by a parent or caregiver to a child, whereas sexual abuse is sexual activities performed by a caregiver to a child. Emotional abuse [...]

Ways to Manage Stress as a Family

2022-09-21T11:00:59-04:00April 10th, 2022|Categories: Oaks Blog, Home Page|

With all of us experiencing stress in different ways, tackling it can often feel like an individualized and personal task. However, stress can directly stem from family circumstances, making stress management something to be undertaken as a family. April is National Stress Awareness Month, an opportunity to learn about coping with life’s challenges and finding healthy outlets as a family. According to the National Library of Medicine, family stress is often caused by four main sources: marital dissatisfaction, home chaos, parental depressive symptoms, and job role dissatisfaction. Coping with negative emotions, such as sadness, anger, or fear, is more difficult for children, increasing the need for parental assistance for children handling stressful experiences. Common reactions to stressful events can [...]

The Other Pandemic: After 2 Years, Our Kids Are Not Ok

2022-09-07T11:41:48-04:00April 1st, 2022|Categories: Press Coverage, Home Page|

SJ Magazine, April 2022 Issue By Jayne Jacova Feld As we start to come out of the pandemic, healthcare professionals are sounding an alarm. Kids aren’t ok. In fact, they’re not doing well at all. So parents, teachers, therapists, everyone: You need to look around. Check on the young people in your life. Because while you may think the last 2 years have been tough, you’re an adult. Kids and teens had an entirely different experience and fewer life lessons to know how to cope. So now their recovery begins. And it won’t be easy. Because they’re really not ok. In the early days of the pandemic, mental health workers worried that an overwhelming number of South Jersey kids would [...]

Oaks Integrated Care Announces Marianne Aleardi Of SJ Magazine As New Board Chair

2023-11-15T14:20:34-05:00April 1st, 2022|Categories: Press Coverage|

South Jersey Observer, February 10, 2022 Oaks Integrated Care is proud to announce Marianne Aleardi of SJ Magazine, as the newly elected board chair for the nonprofit organization. As a dedicated member of the board of trustees for ten years, Aleardi continues to give back to the South Jersey region through service and leadership in the community. Aleardi serves as publisher /editor-in-chief of SJ Magazine, a multi-media company focusing on the people and places of Southern New Jersey. Read More

The Time is Always Right for Social Work

2023-11-15T14:44:41-05:00March 29th, 2022|Categories: Oaks Blog, Home Page|

With more than three million worldwide, social workers remain an integral part of helping navigate tough life challenges. March is Social Work Month, a time to celebrate the profession of social work and highlight its many positive contributions to society. The theme for this year is The Time is Right for Social Work, emphasizing the importance of these individuals as our nation continues to grapple with crises including the COVID-19 pandemic, systemic racism and economic inequality. Our dedicated team of social workers at Oaks continue to make a difference every day. Chantelle McCormick, Program Director at Children’s Mobile Response (CMR), leads a team dedicated to responding to youth and families in a self-defined crisis situation. CMR offers in-home services [...]

Ten Ways to Celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Week

2022-02-15T09:17:19-05:00February 15th, 2022|Categories: Oaks Blog, Home Page|

Making a difference in someone else’s day can be as simple as a compliment or words of encouragement. This week, we celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Week, which recognizes the importance of sharing kindness and inspiring others with positivity. Spreading kindness starts with those close to you. Now is the perfect time to check in on your loved ones and show your support for one another. Day-to-day life can be stressful, and it’s important to know someone is there for you. If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health, Oaks Integrated Care can help. Our team offers services for children and adults designed to meet the needs of our community with compassion. To learn more, call [...]

Creating An Impact: Program Expansion 2022

2022-02-03T09:01:56-05:00February 3rd, 2022|Categories: Oaks Blog, Home Page|

Oaks Integrated Care proudly offers numerous services and programs throughout New Jersey to create impact, hope and change. In 2022, Oaks will continue to grow our initiatives to better serve and support our community. Medication Assisted Treatment  New Jersey has seen an increase in overdose rates within the past year partly due to the pandemic, but also due to the presence of fentanyl and other synthetic opiates that are much more lethal and present in the substances being used. Oaks offers compassionate services for individuals and families living with an addiction or co-occurring disorder (mental health and substance use disorder). In fall 2021, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) awarded Oaks a grant to expand the Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) [...]

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