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About Pam Collins

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So far Pam Collins has created 183 blog entries.

Human Rights – It’s About Respect

2018-12-13T12:24:27-05:00December 13th, 2018|Categories: Oaks Blog, Home Page|

“I get no respect,” was a phrase made famous in the 1980s by the late comedian Rodney Dangerfield. Dangerfield would then recite a one-liner or an experience he had in which someone had “dissed” [disrespected] him, a punchline that usually ended with laughter at Rodney’s expense. Treating one another with respect, however, is no laughing matter. December marks both National and Universal Human Rights Month. December 10th is observed as Human Rights Day, the anniversary date of the adoption of the Declaration of Universal Human Rights by the United Nations. This year, this important document observes its 70th anniversary. Article I of the Declaration of Universal Human Rights states: “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity [...]

Share the Joy: Tom and Amber’s Story

2022-08-30T22:45:22-04:00December 4th, 2018|Categories: Oaks Blog, Featured|

This holiday season, while many of us spend time celebrating with loved ones and finishing up last minute shopping, others face much bigger challenges. You can make an impact by giving a monetary contribution, providing gifts or sponsoring a family in need. Share the joy! Just imagine the wonderful memories your donation will bring to those who need it the most... Tom lost custody of his 7-year-old daughter Amber due to his chronic drug abuse. Heartbroken and despondent, he felt without hope until a case worker in an Oaks parenting class reminded him that although he felt at the lowest point in his life, it did not make him a bad person or father. Parenting classes helped Tom think [...]

Self-care Tips for Caregivers

2023-11-15T14:19:08-05:00November 29th, 2018|Categories: Oaks Blog, Home Page|

The most important job for a caregiver will always be providing self-care. Attending to your whole person - emotional, physical, social and spiritual - may be challenging and overwhelming when there seems to be little time available. But when a caregiver ignores his or her needs, there is a significant risk of developing health problems, resulting in the inability to provide care. November is National Family Caregivers Month, a time to honor family caregivers across the country. This year’s theme is “Caregiving Around the Clock,” recognizing the challenges that family caregivers face and how they manage them day and night. Check out the following self-care tips for maintaining health and happiness as a caregiver: Emotional Be aware of feelings [...]

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