Helping one another through difficult situations can often provide the most impactful and rewarding results. Sometimes, all it takes is showing someone how much they matter. Oaks brings together support like this to its 230 programs through community services and compassion.

Our Jail Diversion and Correctional Case Management program (JIS) specializes in diverting nonviolent mental health consumers from the criminal justice system to appropriate mental health services in the community. The program increases resource coordination between mental health, criminal justice, and social services systems.

This March, Supervisor Jade Kimbrough and Case Manager Supervisor Edgar Shaffer conducted a virtual consumer focus group to understand the results of the JIS program. The focus group was intended to gather information, feedback, and suggestions from consumers on how well the program is assisting them.

“I expected to hear feedback about operations,” stated Kimbrough, “which I did, but I was happily surprised by the emotional feedback we received.” Below are some touching moments from the focus group:

  • “I know I am a priority.”
  • “I am not viewed as just another number anymore.”
  • On JIS staff refusal to give up on client – “Sometimes it is scary to have someone never give up on you.”
  • “When I was diagnosed with cancer, the whole team got together to support me and help me handle it.”
  • “They call to check on us just because, that means a lot.”
  • “Providing a support system that feels more like family than a program.”
  • On reconnecting with family – “My mom trusts me again.”
  • On program routines – “It is not mechanical like probation or parole.”
  • “JIS has helped me find my purpose in life.”

Our JIS program staff work daily to assist mental health consumers in connecting with appropriate and available resources. The team works with Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) trained officers, non-CIT trained officers, other identified law enforcement, and additional referral sources to help those in need. Working together creates a bridge leading to positive outcomes for people who may otherwise be incarcerated.

“These supportive statements made me so excited as a supervisor to see that my teams are really connecting with the clients and helping them with more than just a linkage to a service,” shared Kimbough. “This focus group reminded me of why we do what we do and it was so needed during the pandemic to see we can still help people under these tough circumstances.”

JIS services are provided in the community Monday – Friday from 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. For additional information about JIS or Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) training for law enforcement, please call 856-482-8747.