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How Giving Homes to the Sick and Homeless is Changing Lives in N.J. County

2018-01-12T15:49:16-05:00November 14th, 2017|Categories: Press Coverage|

NJ.com, November 14, 2017 - A nice one-bedroom apartment by most standards, but for Rodriguez, it met his number one condition: it wasn't in Camden, where there were too many reminders of his decades as a heroin addict. Four years ago, representatives from the Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers found him in the hospital and offered to help him better manage his health problems, with the first step being getting him off the streets and into drug treatment. Read Article Here

The Relationship Between Stable Housing and Mental Health

2023-05-18T10:54:53-04:00May 18th, 2023|Categories: Oaks Blog, Home Page|

Did you know your ZIP code plays a significant role in how healthy you are? Stable housing allows individuals to develop routines and connections to their local community, which are beneficial for mental health. This May, we celebrate Mental Health Month, a time to recognize the barriers and supporting factors aligned with mental health. Mental Health America highlights “Look Around, Look Within” as the theme for this Mental Health Month, inviting individuals to learn about how surroundings can impact mental health. This blog will discuss two of the four types of surroundings. Understanding the relationship between types of surroundings and mental health can guide the effective information, resources, and support. Safe and Stable Housing Housing is more than just [...]

Burlington County Announces Grants to Fight Hunger and Food Insecurity

2024-08-28T16:41:12-04:00August 22nd, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|

Aug. 22, 2o24 | NJ.Com (BURLINGTON COUNTY, NJ) - Burlington County is stepping up its efforts to combat hunger and food insecurity with the announcement of the first six awards from its new $1 million grant program to assist local food programs. The Burlington County Commissioners announced the grants, totaling more than $290,000, today during a visit to the Virtua Eat Well Food Pharmacy, which is receiving a $75,000 grant. In addition to Virtua’s program, grants were also awarded to the Burlington Township Food Pantry, Jewish Family and Children’s Services, Food Bank of South Jersey, Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, and Oaks Integrated Care to support their food assistance efforts in the county. READ MORE

Homeless Outreach: Joseph’s Journey

2022-04-29T09:09:54-04:00June 8th, 2017|Categories: Oaks Blog|

The department of Housing and Urban Development reports: On any given night, there are over 600,000 homeless in the U.S. 8,941 people experience homelessness in New Jersey Homelessness in NJ has decreased 12.4% since 2015 Sixty five year old Joseph became homeless in 1988 after a devastating fire destroyed his home and belongings of 25 years. With no family to turn to for help, he moved around finding shelter in the woods and abandoned buildings. For the past 10 years he called a small space under a bridge in Mercer County his home. This is where Joseph’s story begins to turn from tragedy to hope. Our Project for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness (PATH) program first met Joseph in January of 2016. [...]

In the End, It Really Does Matter

2022-04-29T09:10:53-04:00July 21st, 2017|Categories: Oaks Blog|

Thursday afternoon, July 21, phones started to ring and buzz constantly, Facebook became flooded with posts and the world shared in heartbreak as they discovered Chester Bennington had committed suicide at age 41. The Linkin Park lead singer’s death shocked and saddened many fans including me. More importantly, six children lost their father, a wife lost her husband, two parents lost their son and a brother lost his brother. When I received the text about his death, I didn’t want to believe it. I told myself my friend had simply come across fake news. I took to the internet hoping with everything I had that it wasn’t true. My heart shattered when I saw the many posts on my [...]

Jamie’s Road to Independence

2022-04-29T09:11:51-04:00August 16th, 2017|Categories: Oaks Blog|

Thirty-one-year-old Jamie lives with a developmental disability and also struggled for years with suicidal ideations and psychiatric hospitalizations. Living independently and maintaining interpersonal relationships was extremely difficult due to challenges with a personality disorder and bipolar disorder. For much of her life, Jamie yearned to find independence. In 2008, Jamie entered our Supervised Apartments where she started to learn coping and anger management skills. The program provides adults with developmental disabilities the necessary daily living skills to function on their own with minimal assistance such as meal preparation, medication administration, household upkeep and community integration. Today Jamie can proudly say that she has not had any hospitalizations in nearly ten years and no longer experiences thoughts of suicide. With [...]

Overdose Awareness Day: Oaks Announces Opioid Overdose Recovery Program

2018-01-08T14:20:11-05:00August 31st, 2017|Categories: Oaks Blog|

The opioid epidemic has devastated thousands of families across our nation, state and local communities. Today people across the country and around the world come together to raise awareness for Overdose Awareness Day. For many this is a day of grieving those we have lost, but also a day of hope, a call for further action to end the overdose crisis and a chance to share resources to help those suffering. At the national level, drug overdoses killed more Americans than the entire Vietnam War in 2016. In Burlington County alone, overdoses from heroin and other opiates rose 46 percent from 2011-2016. Since last year, more than 165 people have died of an illicit drug overdose in the county, including [...]

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