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7 Ways to Support Others Who are Struggling

2021-05-25T08:19:07-04:00May 16th, 2021|Categories: Oaks Blog, Home Page|

May is Mental Health Awareness Month – a time to raise awareness and share resources so anyone affected by mental illness can find the support needed to live a healthy, fulfilling life. Now more than ever, it’s important to support one another through all of life’s challenges. Yet, finding the words to begin the conversation with a loved one about mental health can be daunting. Not knowing how to discuss it is normal! Check out these 7 ways to prepare for the conversation and show your support to others who are struggling: 1. Give them time to share with you. Offer your loved one space and time to open up about mental health. They might not be ready to [...]

6 Tips for Forming Meaningful Connections

2021-05-28T14:59:22-04:00May 29th, 2021|Categories: Oaks Blog, Home Page|

As we navigate the transition out of the virtual world, the return of face-to-face interaction can influence mental health. Social isolation is a serious health challenge that can be damaging to mental health. Therefore, the quality of our connections with one another can boost general happiness and decrease loneliness levels. For Mental Health Awareness Month this May, we believe in ensuring every person has access to resources and support for leading a healthy life. Here are 6 ways you can create more meaningful connections to feel motivated and driven to achieve a more fulfilling lifestyle: 1) Start with honesty. Some of the best conversations begin with honesty to break down barriers. Sharing authentic experiences can increase empathy levels between [...]

National Recovery Month: Building from Rock Bottom

2021-09-30T13:29:01-04:00September 30th, 2021|Categories: Oaks Blog, Home Page|

September is National Recovery Month, a time to celebrate the successes made by those in recovery and recognize health improvements which enable those battling mental health challenges or substance abuse to live a healthy and rewarding life. This year's theme, “Recovery is For Everyone: Every Person, Every Family, Every Community,” reminds those facing recovery of the abundance of groups and community members surrounding their journey. Oaks Integrated Care offers caring and compassionate programs to those struggling with addiction. Our goal is to offer hope for long-term recovery and a chance to end the revolving door of treatment. “And so rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I built my life.” No journey to recovery is the same. Matthew [...]

Breaking Down the Wall: Men’s Mental Health Matters

2024-06-25T09:44:23-04:00June 12th, 2024|Categories: Oaks Blog, Home Page|

June is Men's Mental Health Month, a time to raise awareness about the struggles men face and dismantle the harmful stereotypes that prevent them from seeking help. The Challenge Society often portrays men as stoic and emotionally reserved. Phrases like "man up" or "boys don't cry" create a culture of silence around men's mental health. This can lead to under-diagnosis and under-treatment of mental health conditions in men. The Reality Mental health issues don't discriminate based on gender. Men experience depression, anxiety, and other conditions at similar rates to women. However, men are: Less likely to seek help: The stigma surrounding seeking help can be a major barrier. More likely to engage in risky behaviors: Self-medication with alcohol or drugs can [...]

Understanding Cultural Influences on Mental Health

2024-07-27T09:33:32-04:00July 27th, 2024|Categories: Oaks Blog, Home Page|

July marks the celebration of Bebe Moore Campbell National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month, a time dedicated to acknowledging and addressing the unique mental health challenges faced by Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) communities. At the core of delivering mental health services to the BIPOC community is understanding their unique cultural influences to be able to serve them better. Mental Health America breaks down the facts in this year’s BIPOC mental health toolkit: Navigating Stigma and Cultural Differences One of the biggest challenges faced by BIPOC individuals is the stigma associated with mental health. This stigma can manifest in various forms, including internal judgment and external criticism. Cultural beliefs, fear of judgment, and the lack of access [...]

Career Opportunities

2024-09-18T17:00:08-04:00December 3rd, 2011|

Career Opportunities Rise to the Occasion We understand that our mission is more important now than ever. Oaks continues to stay on the front lines providing essential services to the most vulnerable members of our community while keeping safety as our highest priority. If you are looking to make a difference in the lives of others, please consider joining our team! Search Open Positions and Apply Today! For more information, contact our HR Recruiter at 609-845-3738 or recruiter@oaksintcare.org. APPLY TODAY Pop-In Hiring Event September 26, 2024 | 10am-2pm | Mt. Holly Openings: Clinical Residential Case Managers Administrative REGISTER Residential Opportunities Be a part of [...]

Refresh Your Resolutions

2022-04-29T09:07:10-04:00February 17th, 2017|Categories: Oaks Blog|

Every January we think about how we can better ourselves as we start the calendar year. We make resolutions, determined to follow through and reach all of our goals. We stick to these resolutions for a couple of months but for various reasons slowly let them slip away. As we head into March, now is the perfect time to reevaluate resolutions or form new goals worth keeping. Whether you’re looking for new resolutions or never made any to begin with, we’ve got you covered! Check out these simple tips to help promote better mental and physical health. Disconnect: Although disconnecting from electronics seem scary, it can actually help improve your emotional well-being and leave more time for healthy activities [...]

Stand Up Against the Stigma of Mental Illness

2022-04-29T09:13:23-04:00October 5th, 2017|Categories: Oaks Blog|

October 1-7 is Mental Illness Awareness Week, a week created in the hopes of educating and increasing awareness about mental illness. Mental health issues are important to address year-round, but highlighting them during this week provides a time for people to come together to support, educate and fight against the stigma surrounding mental health. Many people with serious mental illness are challenged doubly. Not only do they struggle with the symptoms and disabilities that result from the disease, but they are challenged by the stereotypes and prejudice that result from misconceptions about mental illness. Millions of Americans face the reality of living with a mental illness. In fact, there are more than 200 classified forms of mental illness. Some [...]

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