Happy first day of spring! With the start of this new season of growth and change, make sure you leave that essential time in your schedule for self-care. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, self-care can help to “manage stress, lower your risk of illness, and increase your energy.” Here are some tips to embrace the new season while keeping wellness in-mind:

Woman Outside

1. Get some fresh air.

As warm weather days begin, try to spend some time in nature and in the sunshine. Research indicates that sun exposure can trigger an increase in serotonin, a hormone known to improve mood and focus. Go for a walk with a friend, take a bike ride, or even eat lunch outside in the sun.

2. Unplug from technology.

Taking time away from technology and social media can feel more natural as days of warm weather begins. Limit your screen time to enjoy warm days outside instead of on your devices. Setting those personal boundaries invites time to enjoy simple activities, like having a picnic outside or reading a new book.

3. Simplify and declutter your space.

There is no better time for cleaning than spring! A simple decluttering of your home or workspace can help freshen things up and make you feel rejuvenated to start the new season. Try washing curtains or carpets, sorting through your desk, or simplifying your wardrobe.

4. Embrace your creativity.

Spring is a great time to take up new passion projects and embrace your creative side. Take up gardening, practice yoga, experiment with painting, or try a new recipe to refresh your mind after a long winter.

5. Set new goals.

Growing your mind is just as important as taking care of your body. Embracing integrated wellness through the spring season can help guide setting your personal boundaries. Set new goals for the spring to boost your mood and energy.

6. Take time for yourself.

The start of a new season brings the simple reminder of taking time for you. Having some quiet time to embrace your passions can help to recharge your battery. Practicing self-care may be new to you, so take the necessary time to get accustomed.

The start of a new season can bring changes in everyday life. Oaks is here to help. If you or someone you love is struggling with mental health, consider speaking with a mental health professional to navigate the process. To learn more about Oaks services or schedule an appointment, call our Access Center at 1-800-963-3377.