5 Ways to Prioritize Your Mental and Physical Health this Spring

It’s a new season! As we spring into warm weather and sunny days, Oaks promotes this season of wellness with new ways to implement integrated care into your everyday life.

  1. Get 5-10 minutes of fresh air every day.

    women exercising

After months of colder temperatures, taking some time outside can make a world of difference for your mental health. Warm weather is proven to boost your mood and reduce stress. Sun exposure also raises your Vitamin D levels which increases your energy levels. Try taking a walk, going for a bike ride, or just breathing in the fresh air!

  1. Organize and declutter your space.

Wellness can be found in the most unexpected places, and spring cleaning offers you the chance to simplify your home and your mind. With so many of us working from home, our kitchen or bedroom is now our office, making decluttering even more impactful to our productivity and organization. Implement spring cleaning in a room, cabinet, or even just one corner of your space to improve your mental health.

  1. Make your wellness a priority.

A new season is the perfect time to set goals for yourself. Make your health and wellness a priority this spring by drinking enough water each, getting enough sleep each night, or even trying a new healthy recipe! Wellness habits can make a big difference in your daily mood and quality of life.

  1. Decrease your technology intake.

Set some screen time restrictions this spring to promote positivity throughout your day. Excessive screen time can be linked to many health concerns such as lack of sleep and diabetes. Cutting down on any overuse of your devices can improve your physical, social, and mental health.

  1. Schedule time for yourself.

Sometimes, we don’t need to do more activities to positively impact our mental health. Practicing self-care is so important to emotional and mental well-being. Dedicate some time to yourself, your needs, and your favorite things this spring. We recommend reading a book, listening to a podcast, or simply de-stressing with a relaxing night at home all throughout the season.

If you or a loved one are struggling with mental health, seek professional health and contact us today at 1-800-963-3377.