“When day comes, where can we find light in this never-ending shade?” After facing one of the most challenging years in our nation’s history, this quote by American poet and activist Amanda Gorman, summarized our feelings as we moved into 2021 following a global pandemic. Our mission to provide services to the most vulnerable members of our community became more important than ever. I’m proud to say with gratitude, that together – our dedicated employees, generous donors and valued partners – rose to the challenge.

Our essential employees demonstrated resiliency, empathy and patience every day while keeping safety as the highest priority throughout the organization. Programs adapted to changes in the way we deliver services to ensure the individuals and families we serve continued to receive the highest quality care, whether virtual or in-person. Most importantly, employees utilized Trauma Informed Care to stay present, focus on treatment and understand how traumatic events impact each of our lives.

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In May, we officially welcomed COPE Center to our family of services. Located in Essex County, COPE supports individuals and families facing addiction and mental health challenges. The merger allows us to expand geographic reach, improve access to services and offer a stronger continuum of care. For example, a mother recovering from an addiction can receive not just substance abuse treatment, but also mental health counseling, help with parenting skills and connection to basic needs such as housing, food, job training and primary medical care.

The Oaks Racial Equality and Social Justice Committee took action and identified how our organization can become part of the solution in ending systematic racism in our society. In addition, our Justice Involved Services and Integrated Case Management teams renewed partnerships with community law enforcement officers by participating in Crisis Intervention Training (CIT). The training is designed to improve first-responder interactions with persons living with mental health and addiction disorders.

Moving into the new year, recent program expansions including Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) and School Based Youth Services Program (SBYSP) will allow us to continue meeting the growing needs of our community with compassion. Our successes would not be possible without the unwavering support we receive from all of you. Thank you for being our light in the shade, rising to the challenge and giving hope for the future.

Best Wishes for the New Year,

Derry Holland
Chief Executive Officer

P.S. As the year comes to a close, I hope you will consider supporting our work with a year-end donation to assist us in serving our most vulnerable community members.