A positive, kind workplace environment may not always feel like a top priority. Office culture may feel competitive or uncollaborative, but establishing a culture of kindness is essential to mental health and wellbeing in the workplace. Research indicates that sharing and receiving kindness in the workplace enforces a positive comradery, ultimately leading to an engaged and successful organization.

Showing Kindness

The challenges that arise with a negative workplace environment can affect employees at every level. From job productivity to daily functioning, a poor culture can lead to employee stress, anxiety and lack of communication. Promoting a kinder company culture centered around positive mental health and support can make all the difference from increased job satisfaction to improved self-worth.

At Oaks, spreading kindness is essential to a successful workplace. Rachel Boyer, Assistant Vice President of Adult Developmental Disabilities Services, shares, “Workplace kindness is about being a team player and acknowledging the successes of your staff and coworkers. There is so much value in just letting someone know you appreciate them.”

To live these values with your employees or coworkers, here are ten simple gestures to spread kindness at work:

  1. Lend a helping hand on a project.
  2. Write a positive note to make someone’s day.
  3. Share a “good morning” or “good afternoon” with a coworker.
  4. Ask for ideas on a project to show value for a coworker’s opinion.
  5. Encourage employee bonding as a boss or leader.
  6. Bring in coffee for a coworker.
  7. Give a genuine compliment.
  8. Celebrate the successes of your coworkers to recognize their hard work.
  9. Invite a coworker or leader to lunch.
  10. Recognize a coworker by sharing their achievements with your boss.

If you or someone you love is struggling with mental health, consider speaking with a mental health professional to navigate the process. To learn more about Oaks services or schedule an appointment, call our Access Center at 1-800-963-3377.