When stress becomes overwhelming, it can take a toll on your well-being both physically and mentally. According to the American Psychological Association, nearly 78% of adults say the coronavirus pandemic is a significant source of stress in their life. Every April, we recognize National Stress Awareness Month and provide resources for stress prevention and mental health services. If you are looking for tips to relax or reduce stress, try one of these strategies to handle stress in a healthy way.

1. Practice breathing exercises.

destress outside

Changing the way you breathe or focusing on your breathing pattern can provide relaxation to your mind and body, decreasing your overall stress level. Experiment with daily tools such as developing a mantra to repeat or taking deep breaths to destress throughout the day. Simple moments of relaxation can make a big difference.

2. Incorporate exercise into your daily routine.

So much of what we do physically impacts us mentally. With mental health largely tied to physical health, exercise is a way to manage stress. Research from the American Psychological Association indicates that modest amounts of exercise can make a difference by improving mental health levels. Whether you’re a jogger, bicyclist, or just enjoy a long walk, try incorporating some fresh air and exercise into your daily routine to destress.

3. Set your priorities.

Like most people, your day may be filled with not enough time and too many demands. Free up space in your schedule by pacing yourself and understanding when it’s appropriate to say “no” to demands on your time. It’s okay to meet your own expectations before you meet the needs of others.

4. Do things that make you happy.

Reduce triggers of stress by reserving time for yourself and the activities that bring you joy. Dive into your creative side with drawing, painting, or even coloring to ensure your week includes time for your own needs. There is no single solution for everyone. Find what works for you!

Most importantly, do not be afraid to reach out for assistance. If you or someone you know is experiencing stress or in need of mental health services, Oaks Integrated Care can help. For mental health resources or more information about our services, call our Access Center at 1-800-963-3377.