Oaks Integrated Care

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So far Pam Collins has created 182 blog entries.

Caring for Our Caregivers: One Sister’s Story of Resilience

2022-11-30T15:02:00-05:00November 30th, 2022|Categories: Oaks Blog, Home Page|

Millions of individuals across the country provide crucial care and assistance to parents, children, siblings and other loved ones every day. November recognizes National Family Caregivers Month, a time to raise awareness about the challenges of caregiving and increase the accessibility of support services for caregivers. Navigating life as a family caregiver for an individual living with a mental illness can be both physically and emotionally stressful. When your loved one is diagnosed, finding appropriate medical and psychiatric care becomes your first priority. But as a caregiver, often times YOU need help finding balance in your life. The Oaks Intensive Family Support Services (IFSS) program in Camden and Mercer Counties offers therapeutic support, education and resources for those caring [...]

National Military Families Month: Veterans & Mental Health

2022-11-21T18:38:16-05:00November 21st, 2022|Categories: Oaks Blog, Home Page|

Veterans and military families embody courage, strength, and resilience. Each November is National Military Families Month, a time to recognize the tremendous sacrifices made by veterans and military families across the country. When it comes to mental health, veterans and military personnel remain one of the most prominent groups impacted by mental health challenges. Life’s transitions can be particularly stressful for veterans and military families, making it difficult to prioritize well-being. Every year, approximately 200,000 men and women transition from active-duty service to civilian life. This adjustment along with deployments and frequent geographic moves require veterans and their families to make changes in their lives across multiple domains including relationships, employment, finances, housing, community supports and health. To gain [...]

Oaks Integrated Care Hosts Thanksgiving Turkey and Holiday Gift Drive

2023-03-03T15:42:39-05:00November 7th, 2022|Categories: Press Release|

Mount Holly, NJ | November 2, 2022 – This holiday season, Oaks Integrated Care will host its Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive and Holiday Gift Drive to benefit families struggling to make ends meet. For many families in Oaks programs, the holiday season can be a difficult time of year – financial stress and mental health challenges often intensify for those already living paycheck to paycheck. Food costs continue to rise leaving families with the difficult choice of paying for food, rent or essential medications. With support from local donors and volunteers, the nonprofit organization plans to distribute over 2,000 Thanksgiving meals and sponsor 100 families through the holiday gift drive. Community members can get involved by making a monetary donation, [...]

Daylight Savings Time’s Impact on Mental Health

2022-11-21T13:11:06-05:00November 4th, 2022|Categories: Home Page, Oaks Blog|

As we turn back the clocks for Daylight Savings Time this Sunday, keeping general mood changes in mind is important. Making this time adjustment can have many affects on our bodies and our mental health. According to Healthline, changing our clocks twice a year greatly impacts our health, with fall causing a decline in mental health. Entering the winter months causes less sun exposure for our skin, creating a decrease in vitamin D. While Daylight Savings Time does not directly cause mental health conditions, these changes commonly affect those with pre-existing mental health conditions or those more susceptible to anxiety or depression. Seasonal affective disorder, or seasonal depression, often occurs during this time period. Symptoms of seasonal affective disorder [...]

Oaks Integrated Care Welcomes New Vice Presidents

2023-09-25T21:46:49-04:00November 1st, 2022|Categories: Press Release|

Anne Greenwood and Michelle Carlamere Promoted to Leadership Positions Mount Holly, NJ | November 1, 2022- Oaks Integrated Care is proud to announce the promotion of Directors Michelle Carlamere to Vice President and Anne Greenwood to Assistant Vice President following the retirement of longtime employee Beth Dunlap. As dedicated team members with a combined sixty years of experience, Carlamere and Greenwood will oversee mental health programs for children and families at the Charles Yates Center for Children and Families in Lumberton, New Jersey. A Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW), Carlamere has worked for Oaks for over twenty-five years as a Therapist, Coordinator, Supervisor and most recently as director of outpatient counseling services. Carlamere actively participates in various mental health [...]

Oaks Integrated Care Welcomes New Vice Presidents

2023-03-03T15:38:13-05:00November 1st, 2022|Categories: Press Release|

Mount Holly, NJ | November 1, 2022- Oaks Integrated Care is proud to announce the promotion of Directors Michelle Carlamere to Vice President and Anne Greenwood to Assistant Vice President following the retirement of longtime employee Beth Dunlap. As dedicated team members with a combined sixty years of experience, Carlamere and Greenwood will oversee mental health programs for children and families at the Charles Yates Center for Children and Families in Lumberton, New Jersey. A Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW), Carlamere has worked for Oaks for over twenty-five years as a Therapist, Coordinator, Supervisor and most recently as director of outpatient counseling services. Carlamere actively participates in various mental health trainings and certification programs focused on Trauma Informed Care. [...]

How to Spot Differences Between Stress and Anxiety

2022-11-21T13:11:53-05:00October 27th, 2022|Categories: Oaks Blog, Home Page|

Stress and anxiety are two of the most significant mental health challenges faced by individuals across the country. Despite their similarities, stress and anxiety can offer different experiences, symptoms and severities. Understanding how to spot the differences can help identify the best course of option for treatment. Almost all individuals experience some degree of stress at some point in their lives. According to the American Psychological Association, people under stress experience “mental and physical symptoms,” including irritability, fatigue, muscle pain, or sleep difficulties. As of 2022, around 75% of Americans reported to the American Institute of Stress about experiencing physical or mental symptoms of stress. Responses to stress can be more or less intense depending on the person and [...]

Identify the Signs of Cyberbullying in Teens and Young Adults

2023-11-15T14:21:25-05:00October 19th, 2022|Categories: Oaks Blog, Home Page|

October is National Bullying Prevention Month, when we are reminded to oppose the harassment or victimization of all individuals, regardless of age, race, gender, or identity. As a means to harm another individual through behavior or speech, bullying can have a direct impact on mental health. According to StopBullying.gov, children and youth who are bullied over time are more likely than those not bullied to experience depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem. While learning from home during the pandemic, many students relied on devices as their primary form of conversation. L1ght, an organization that tracks online harassment, reported an over 70% increase in cyberbullying in 2020 alone. As of August 2022, 60% of teens report experiencing some sort of cyberbullying. Additionally, 87% [...]

Coming Out is Not a Destination, But a Journey

2022-11-21T13:13:10-05:00October 11th, 2022|Categories: Oaks Blog, Home Page|

The history of the LGBTQIA+ community revolves around supporting and championing all individuals. Recognized annually on October 11, National Coming Out Day reinforces the belief that accepting differences makes us stronger and knowledge drives out the dangers of hate. In celebration of National Coming Out Day, Oaks’ Development & Communication Assistant Orlando Salas shares insight into his experience coming out and how it can help impact others. Words of Resilience and Acceptance, by Orlando Salas Walking through this world as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community comes with its own set of unique challenges. You may feel like you have to constantly keep your guard up because other people want to hurt you just for existing. But whenever I [...]

A Powerful Voice for Recovery: Chris’ Story

2022-09-27T11:25:13-04:00September 27th, 2022|Categories: Oaks Blog, Home Page|

Recovery is for everyone: every person, every family, every community. Recognized every September, National Recovery Month promotes substance use treatment and mental health services which support those battling these disorders in leading healthy and rewarding lives. At Oaks, our goal is to offer hope for long-term recovery and a chance to end the revolving door of treatment. Read Chris’ inspiring story of recovery. Chris’ Story Chris first attended an assessment interview at the COPE Center in 2019, after being referred to treatment for assistance with his co-occurring issues and a history of substance use. At the time of the assessment interview, Chris reported a lifelong history of trauma, grief, loss, and mental health symptoms of anxiety and depression. He [...]

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