Oaks Integrated Care

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About Pam Collins

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So far Pam Collins has created 183 blog entries.

Mr. Robinson’s Story: A Lifelong Commitment to Service

2021-03-15T17:59:49-04:00March 15th, 2021|Categories: Oaks Blog, Home Page|

Volunteering time and effort to an organization for over 20 years is no easy task. It requires passion, drive and dedication to making an impact in the lives of others. Oaks considers itself very fortunate to have generous volunteers committed to our mission. Charles Robinson, a longtime volunteer and supporter of Oaks, serves on the Ethics and Human Rights Committee and shares his story of building healthy, strong communities. The Journey Begins Mr. Robinson started his journey with Oaks Integrated Care (then Family Service) in 1998 as a part-time Outreach Coordinator. As a retired Philadelphia educator with over 30 years of experience, he knew he wanted to continue making a difference in the community after retirement. Within just a [...]

Racial Equality and Social Justice – Be a Part of the Solution

2021-02-26T23:20:53-05:00February 26th, 2021|Categories: Oaks Blog, Home Page|

The series of high profile incidents of police violence against Americans in 2020 including the killing of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery, sparked nationwide protests and renewed calls for an end to systematic racism in our society. In June, our organization made a commitment to not just speak out about the topic but to take action by forming the Racial Equality and Social Justice Coalition (The Coalition). Oaks created The Coalition to identify and implement action steps to be part of the change we want to see in our organization and the greater communities we serve. The Coalition consists of diverse members from across the organization and also includes representatives from the Oaks Diversity Committee, Trauma Informed [...]

4 Tips for Talking to Someone about Mental Health

2021-02-18T17:01:20-05:00February 18th, 2021|Categories: Oaks Blog, Home Page|

This week is Random Acts of Kindness Week, a time to spread love and support to others in your life. Here at Oaks Integrated Care, we believe in supporting one another through all of life’s challenges. Addressing the challenges of mental health and expressing concerns about a loved one’s mental health takes courage and empathy. According to Mental Health America, nearly 1 in 5 American adults will have a diagnosable mental health condition during any year of their lives. Talking to someone about it is the first step. 1. Ask open-ended, unbiased questions Start the conversation with questions that prompt open responses, such as “How are you feeling?” and “Would you like to talk about anything?” Try not to assume [...]

Arthur’s Journey: Job Training to Pantry Employee

2021-01-29T17:53:23-05:00January 29th, 2021|Categories: Home Page, Uncategorized|

Three and a half years ago, Arthur walked out of Hampton Behavioral Health Center to begin his journey to wellness and recovery. The psychiatrist referred him to the Oaks Integrated Care partial care day program for ongoing mental health support. Partial care provides adults living with mental illness with the support needed to prevent hospitalization and improve functioning in the community through counseling, case management and pre-vocational training. The Program Coordinator quickly introduced Arthur to the Oaks jobs program designed to offer training and foster a sense of independence with the ultimate goal of transitioning into the workforce. Arthur explains, “They showed me all around the different areas of campus where I might work. I started out [...]

Impact – verb /imˈpakt/

2020-12-30T17:59:32-05:00December 30th, 2020|Categories: Oaks Blog, Home Page|

To have a strong effect on someone or something. To say 2020 has been challenging would be the understatement of the year. As we typically do, we started January with high hopes and projections for a smooth and positive year. While the year was anything but smooth, I genuinely believe it was one of our most positive based on the impact we had on our community despite the challenges we faced. I cannot even begin to express the gratitude I have for Oaks’ frontline heroes. Our employees quickly rose to the occasion, demonstrating flexibility, versatility and profound dedication. They implemented telehealth services to ensure anyone in need of support could reach out at any time. Our facilities staff quickly [...]

There’s Still Time to Help Families Like Melissa’s

2022-08-30T22:46:15-04:00December 22nd, 2020|Categories: Oaks Blog, Home Page|

At Oaks Integrated Care, we believe that everyone has the potential to thrive with the right support. That’s why serving individuals of all ages and backgrounds has always been our priority. This year, more than ever, our services were required to keep our community together, when they were met by so many obstacles that could have torn them apart. “Since the time I started Oaks Integrated Care’s Detox Program, I’ve had a constant stream of support and resources given to me, even when I was looking for outside resources for extra help with my mental health. Because they are a duel diagnosis facility, part of my recovery and my history is making sure I’m handling why I use. I [...]

Oaks Restaurant Week Celebrates Local Flavors October 16-23

2020-10-29T19:37:31-04:00October 15th, 2020|Categories: Press Release, Home Page|

NJ Nonprofit and Restaurants ‘Come Together’ to Fight Hunger Mount Holly, NJ, October 15, 2020- Oaks Integrated Care’s Restaurant Week begins Friday, October 16 and runs through Friday, October 23, with local restaurants offering a variety of curbside pick-up, outdoor and indoor dining options. A portion of the proceeds from the event benefits the Oaks Food Pantries serving Burlington, Camden and Mercer Counties. The week is designed to spotlight the region’s diverse restaurants and gives participants the chance to explore new places, all while fighting hunger in the community. Derry Holland, Oaks CEO explains, “With many families struggling to make ends meet during the pandemic, our food pantries need your support now more than ever to keep the shelves [...]

Food Network Chef Aaron McCargo Jr. Takes Over Your Kitchen

2022-04-29T09:20:56-04:00October 15th, 2020|Categories: Press Release, Uncategorized|

LIVE Virtual Cooking Demonstration Benefits the Oaks Food Pantries Mount Holly, NJ, October 15, 2020- Come together for a virtual cooking demonstration LIVE from the kitchen of The Next Food Network Star Season 4 winner and host of Big Daddy's House, Chef Aaron McCargo Jr. on October 22 at 7pm! The interactive event benefits the Oaks Food Pantries serving Camden, Burlington and Mercer Counties. Participants will prepare a delicious meal alongside Chef Aaron and co-host Marianne Aleardi of SJ Magazine from the comfort of their own homes. Known for his passion for bold flavors, years of culinary experience and contagious smile, Chef Aaron can’t wait to share his passion for cooking with event attendees. Born and raised in Camden, [...]

Exclusive Video from Our Come Together Week Stars

2020-10-12T21:29:00-04:00October 9th, 2020|Categories: Oaks Blog, Home Page|

Come Together Week is just one week away! Check out the exclusive video previews from our stars- Musician Graham Alexander and Food Network Chef Aaron McCargo. Proceeds benefit the Oaks Food Pantries that serve over 1,600 people a month. If you don't have your tickets, act fast! Graham Alexander & Co. Virtual Concert - October 16 @7 Kick off Come Together Week with a virtual concert by Haddonfield's own Graham Alexander, Broadway star of The Beatles tribute, Rain! Purchase your tickets today to experience the heart and soul of The Beatles. Food Network Chef Aaron McCargo Jr. - Thursday, October 22 @ 7pm We're about to throw down some really good [...]

Calm in a Crisis

2021-05-09T15:16:25-04:00September 20th, 2020|Categories: Press Coverage|

SJ Magazine, September 2020 - Jarrod Broadway knew two things: the young man’s name, and that he was mentally ill. Broadway, an officer with the Burlington Township Police Department, had been called to a local home by a father who said his schizophrenic son was wielding a big hunting knife. If the situation escalated any further, Broadway and his fellow officers knew they might be pressed to use deadly force. Then, someone on the scene used the young man’s name, and Broadway saw his chance. The officer started to talk, calling him by name, building a connection and convincing him to put down the knife. The officers didn’t take him to the station. Instead, they brought him to a [...]

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