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So far Pam Collins has created 182 blog entries.

Camden Coalition’s Behavioral Health Program Gets National Recognition

2023-09-25T20:54:41-04:00August 23rd, 2023|Categories: Press Coverage|

August 23, 2023 | Tap Into Camden  CAMDEN, NJ – A Camden Coalition program that addresses behavioral health needs was one of 10 winners out of 427 entrants in a federal agency's national competition this month. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) recognized the organizations that provide "exciting approaches to effective outreach and engage with racial and ethnic underserved individuals in order to foster behavioral health equity throughout the country." The challenge prize for each is $50,000. A lot of the Coalition's Pledge to Connect program's work is trying new approaches to assist individuals with complex needs, Leigh Wilson-Hall, the Coalition's associate director of clinical redesign initiatives, told TAPinto Camden in an interview. It is meant to recognize individuals who [...]

The Impact of Social Media on Youth Mental Health

2023-08-21T11:07:53-04:00August 21st, 2023|Categories: Oaks Blog, Home Page|

Social media continues to soar in popularity among today’s youth. With its ever-changing landscape and trendy environment, teens and young adults remain at the leading edge of this space. Research shows nearly 97% of teens and young adults use a social media platform, with over 45% spending the majority of their day online. Almost all U.S. teens reported using the internet daily. But how does social media impact today’s youth in terms of mental health? Introduced as a means to stay connected with one another, social media continues to provide outlets for teens to communicate with other like-minded individuals and build their social networks. Teens can find valuable support online especially those who may not feel connected in their [...]

The Importance of Mental Health for College Students

2023-08-01T13:28:26-04:00August 1st, 2023|Categories: Oaks Blog, Home Page|

Whether starting school this fall or heading back to campus for a new semester, college students are bound to encounter a time of excitement and change. While transitioning from summer break to starting school brings a great sense of independence, it also comes with an elevated sense of responsibility. Alongside these exciting changes in college, many students may face new mental health challenges, such as stress, anxiety, depression, exhaustion, or loneliness. According to a 2023 Healthy Minds survey, the majority of college students (more than 60 percent) meet the criteria for at least one mental health condition. This notes a nearly 50 percent increase since a decade prior in 2013. The formative years of college can be quite challenging [...]

Mental Health Disparities in Minority Communities

2023-07-27T16:05:46-04:00July 27th, 2023|Categories: Oaks Blog, Home Page|

Racial, ethnic, gender, and sexual minorities often face different mental health outcomes. From inaccessibility to health care services, to cultural stigmas and discrimination, many minority individuals encounter disparities when it comes to mental health. Therefore, it is essential to consider the importance of diversity in terms of mental health care. Statistically, individuals from racial or ethnic minority groups are less likely to receive mental health care. According to the American Psychological Association, among adults with any mental illness in the U.S., 48% of white individuals received mental health services, compared with 31% black and Hispanic individuals, and 22% of Asian individuals. “Human experiences are diverse, and a ‘one size fits all’ approach does not adequately address the unique barriers [...]

Oaks Integrated Care Hosts Annual Operation Fill-A-Backpack

2023-09-25T21:35:30-04:00July 19th, 2023|Categories: Press Release|

Donation Drive Gives Youth the Confidence to Succeed Mount Holly, NJ, July 19, 2023- Every child deserves a great first day of school. Now through August 11, Oaks Integrated Care is accepting donations of backpacks and school supplies for Operation Fill-A-Backpack, an annual program designed to provide children and teens with the confidence needed to succeed this September. Many parents of children in Oaks Integrated Care programs lack the financial stability to provide their children with basic school supplies. Each gift to Operation Fill-A-Backpack decreases the burden on families and helps students receive the tools necessary to start the school year off on the right foot. With the help of supporters, Oaks will collect, purchase and distribute over 1,000 backpacks [...]

How Work-Life Balance Impacts Mental Health

2023-07-19T11:18:42-04:00July 19th, 2023|Categories: Oaks Blog, Home Page|

Between heavy workloads, relationships, and personal interests, finding a work-life balance with day-to-day responsibilities can feel overwhelming. Research indicates overworking and extensive hours on the clock can have a negative impact on both employees’ mental health and their companies. If jobs are too demanding, exhausting, or chaotic, it can be challenging to maintain personal success. Yet, in practice, it can be difficult to surpass unhealthy work habits and achieve a sustainable work-life balance. A healthy work-life balance involves managing time and energy to meet both personal and professional commitments while emphasizing self-care needs and overall well-being. Research suggests finding work-life balance is not an overnight adjustment, but rather a continuous cycle throughout situations and priorities. Why is work-life balance [...]

Culture, Community, and Connection

2023-07-12T08:54:01-04:00July 12th, 2023|Categories: Oaks Blog, Home Page|

Our lives are deeply intertwined with the environments around us. Who and what we are surrounded by impacts our mental health and overall wellness. In particular, Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) populations are faced with disproportionate amounts of historical trauma and displacement that have challenged how these communities remain sustainable and continue to thrive. Each July, we honor the legacy of author, advocate, and trailblazer Bebe Moore Campbell through National Minority Mental Health Month. Through her written work and advocacy efforts, Moore Campbell delves into the complexities of cultural identity, community dynamics, and interpersonal connections. This year, Mental Health America outlined the theme of “Culture, Community, and Connection” to highlight the impact of environment on community and [...]

Why Boundaries Are Important and How to Set Them

2023-06-28T14:24:42-04:00June 28th, 2023|Categories: Oaks Blog, Home Page|

Have you ever felt exhausted trying to make everyone happy? Or anxious because friends and family are taking advantage of your time? Guilty for saying “no” to friends? It might be time to set some healthy boundaries. Boundaries are essential to mental health and can look different for each individual. A boundary is a rule or limit you set with others to express what we deem acceptable versus unacceptable. They are lines we draw for ourselves to outline our level of comfort around others. Research indicates that violations of personal space can cause discomfort, especially those caused by boundary violations. Personal boundaries help us avoid feeling overused, overworked or overstimulated in situations. It may feel difficult to set appropriate [...]

How to Create a Safe Space for LGBTQ+ Youth

2023-06-28T14:07:41-04:00June 28th, 2023|Categories: Oaks Blog, Home Page|

LGBTQ+ youth deserve support, affirmation and safety. However, from home, to school to healthcare spaces, many LGBTQ+ youth feel unsafe or unwelcome, causing a lack of comfortable conversation. To better meet the needs of all young people, it is essential to integrate safe spaces for an open dialogue with LGBTQ+ youth. Research notes LGBTQ+ youth are more likely than their peers to experience stigma in an environment. Additionally, LGBTQ+ youth of color are at disproportionate risk for negative sexual health outcomes and face stigma related to race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression. This stigma and discrimination places LGBTQ+ youth at higher risk of mental health issues and poverty. Creating safe and welcome spaces for LGBTQ+ youth is [...]

Mental Health and Homelessness: A Place to Call Home

2023-06-16T15:36:55-04:00June 16th, 2023|Categories: Oaks Blog, Home Page|

Everyone deserves a place to call home ‑ to live a healthy life and enjoy a future. Research shows that without a permanent, stable home, it’s nearly impossible for individuals struggling with mental health challenges to move toward wellness and recovery. Inadequate housing can lead not just to homelessness, but also lengthy hospitalizations, frequent visits to psychiatric screening centers and ERs, and involvement in the criminal justice system. Housing provides individuals with the support needed to reach the highest possible level of independence and become contributing participants in their community. However, finding a safe and affordable place to live remains a challenge. In 2022, over 500,000 people were experiencing homelessness in the United States. Homelessness is deeply connected with [...]

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