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Refresh Your Resolutions

2022-04-29T09:07:10-04:00February 17th, 2017|Categories: Oaks Blog|

Every January we think about how we can better ourselves as we start the calendar year. We make resolutions, determined to follow through and reach all of our goals. We stick to these resolutions for a couple of months but for various reasons slowly let them slip away. As we head into March, now is the perfect time to reevaluate resolutions or form new goals worth keeping. Whether you’re looking for new resolutions or never made any to begin with, we’ve got you covered! Check out these simple tips to help promote better mental and physical health. Disconnect: Although disconnecting from electronics seem scary, it can actually help improve your emotional well-being and leave more time for healthy activities [...]

How Giving Homes to the Sick and Homeless is Changing Lives in N.J. County

2018-01-12T15:49:16-05:00November 14th, 2017|Categories: Press Coverage|

NJ.com, November 14, 2017 - A nice one-bedroom apartment by most standards, but for Rodriguez, it met his number one condition: it wasn't in Camden, where there were too many reminders of his decades as a heroin addict. Four years ago, representatives from the Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers found him in the hospital and offered to help him better manage his health problems, with the first step being getting him off the streets and into drug treatment. Read Article Here

The Relationship Between Stable Housing and Mental Health

2023-05-18T10:54:53-04:00May 18th, 2023|Categories: Oaks Blog, Home Page|

Did you know your ZIP code plays a significant role in how healthy you are? Stable housing allows individuals to develop routines and connections to their local community, which are beneficial for mental health. This May, we celebrate Mental Health Month, a time to recognize the barriers and supporting factors aligned with mental health. Mental Health America highlights “Look Around, Look Within” as the theme for this Mental Health Month, inviting individuals to learn about how surroundings can impact mental health. This blog will discuss two of the four types of surroundings. Understanding the relationship between types of surroundings and mental health can guide the effective information, resources, and support. Safe and Stable Housing Housing is more than just [...]

Burlington County Announces Grants to Fight Hunger and Food Insecurity

2024-08-28T16:41:12-04:00August 22nd, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|

Aug. 22, 2o24 | NJ.Com (BURLINGTON COUNTY, NJ) - Burlington County is stepping up its efforts to combat hunger and food insecurity with the announcement of the first six awards from its new $1 million grant program to assist local food programs. The Burlington County Commissioners announced the grants, totaling more than $290,000, today during a visit to the Virtua Eat Well Food Pharmacy, which is receiving a $75,000 grant. In addition to Virtua’s program, grants were also awarded to the Burlington Township Food Pantry, Jewish Family and Children’s Services, Food Bank of South Jersey, Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, and Oaks Integrated Care to support their food assistance efforts in the county. READ MORE

Committed to Change in Camden

2022-10-27T14:07:48-04:00April 6th, 2016|Categories: Oaks Blog|Tags: |

Poverty. Crime. Violence. Trauma. Unfortunately, these are the harsh words frequently used to define the city of Camden, New Jersey. We believe it’s our job to look beyond these words and see that Camden is a community with the strength and resiliency to push past these challenges. Most importantly, we see the opportunity for change and commit to providing essential services to children, adults and families right in the heart of Camden. While we have had a presence in the city for over 50 years, in 2015 we expanded that footprint significantly. At the start of this school year, Oaks began providing support to students in 7 different Camden schools through our School Based Youth Services Programs (SBYSP). Each [...]

Finding a Safe, Affordable Place to Call Home

2023-11-15T14:18:59-05:00August 16th, 2018|Categories: Oaks Blog, Home Page|

What causes homelessness? Unemployment, unaddressed health issues, eviction and the high cost of living in New Jersey are frequently cited as why people become homeless. Lack of affordable housing is another cause of homelessness. The need for affordable housing in New Jersey is significant and has been referred to as an affordable housing crisis. The affordable housing crisis in New Jersey dates back to over 40 years ago. The Township of Mount Laurel developed a zoning ordinance that essentially banned affordable housing units such as apartments, trailer parks and multi-family units. The Township was sued and the case was taken up by the New Jersey Supreme Court who declared that the Mount Laurel zoning ordinance prevented affordable housing opportunities. [...]

Human Rights – It’s About Respect

2018-12-13T12:24:27-05:00December 13th, 2018|Categories: Home Page, Oaks Blog|

“I get no respect,” was a phrase made famous in the 1980s by the late comedian Rodney Dangerfield. Dangerfield would then recite a one-liner or an experience he had in which someone had “dissed” [disrespected] him, a punchline that usually ended with laughter at Rodney’s expense. Treating one another with respect, however, is no laughing matter. December marks both National and Universal Human Rights Month. December 10th is observed as Human Rights Day, the anniversary date of the adoption of the Declaration of Universal Human Rights by the United Nations. This year, this important document observes its 70th anniversary. Article I of the Declaration of Universal Human Rights states: “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity [...]

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