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Children’s Mobile Response: Telehealth Services Available

2020-06-04T14:24:02-04:00April 16th, 2020|Categories: Oaks Blog|

The last few weeks of social distancing has meant one thing for sure for families – more time at home together. While this can be positive, many families are experiencing added stresses triggered by the COVID-19 epidemic such as unemployment, homeschooling and financial concerns. We realize that our crisis services may be needed now more than ever and we’re here to help families regain a sense of peace, safety and stability. Our Children’s Mobile Response (CMR) team of experienced intervention specialists is ready and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to provide essential services to families in Camden County in need of immediate crisis support. The safety of the people we serve and our employees is [...]

There’s Still Time to Help Families Like Melissa’s

2022-08-30T22:46:15-04:00December 22nd, 2020|Categories: Oaks Blog, Home Page|

At Oaks Integrated Care, we believe that everyone has the potential to thrive with the right support. That’s why serving individuals of all ages and backgrounds has always been our priority. This year, more than ever, our services were required to keep our community together, when they were met by so many obstacles that could have torn them apart. “Since the time I started Oaks Integrated Care’s Detox Program, I’ve had a constant stream of support and resources given to me, even when I was looking for outside resources for extra help with my mental health. Because they are a duel diagnosis facility, part of my recovery and my history is making sure I’m handling why I use. I [...]

4 Mental Health Tips to Practice Stress Awareness

2021-04-21T19:13:53-04:00April 21st, 2021|Categories: Oaks Blog, Home Page|

When stress becomes overwhelming, it can take a toll on your well-being both physically and mentally. According to the American Psychological Association, nearly 78% of adults say the coronavirus pandemic is a significant source of stress in their life. Every April, we recognize National Stress Awareness Month and provide resources for stress prevention and mental health services. If you are looking for tips to relax or reduce stress, try one of these strategies to handle stress in a healthy way. 1. Practice breathing exercises. Changing the way you breathe or focusing on your breathing pattern can provide relaxation to your mind and body, decreasing your overall stress level. Experiment with daily tools such as developing a mantra to repeat [...]

Drive-Thru Backpack Giveaway Distributes Over 900 Backpacks To Camden Community

2023-11-15T14:20:01-05:00September 5th, 2021|Categories: Press Coverage|

South Jersey Observer, September 5, 2021 Oaks Integrated Care distributed over 900 brand new backpacks filled with school supplies to the Camden community at their Drive-Thru Backpack Giveaway event on August 28. The nonprofit organization partnered with the Food Bank of South Jersey to also provide free Kids Meal Kits to all participants. Hosted by the Kroc Center in Camden, NJ, families in need of support could safely stay in their cars while volunteers, staff and Camden County Police Officers packed trunks with donations. Read More

How to Manage Stress This Holiday Season

2021-12-01T18:07:26-05:00December 1st, 2021|Categories: Home Page, Oaks Blog|

The holiday season is meant to bring cheer, joy and fun celebrations with family and friends. However, the holidays can often spiral into a whirlwind of demands such as cooking, shopping, cleaning and entertaining. Feeling financial pressure, coping with grief and managing family conflict can also be overwhelming. So, what can you do to manage holiday stress and other mental health challenges? Set realistic goals. The holidays may look different each year. As families and friends grow, traditions can change too. Ensure your plans for the holiday season are achievable and bring you joy rather than added stress. Be open to saying no to plans or activities if it’s just not feasible for you in the moment. Keeping your [...]

What To Know About the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline

2022-09-16T11:14:09-04:00August 1st, 2022|Categories: Oaks Blog, Home Page|

Beginning on July 16, 2022 a new 988 suicide and crisis lifeline was released throughout the United States. In the state of New Jersey, 988 will offer “compassionate, accessible care and support” to anyone experiencing mental health-related distress, thoughts of suicide, mental health or substance abuse crisis. With our focus on mental health and addiction services, Oaks remains dedicated to informing you about the changing status of mental health resources in the US. Here is what you need to know about the new lifeline: Designated by the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, the 988 lifeline will directly route callers to mental health services for people in distress and crisis. The free, 24/7, and confidential support offered by the lifeline is [...]

Rooted in Community Nomination Form

2023-11-06T15:11:16-05:00September 27th, 2022|

Rooted in Community Awards 2024 Nominate an Outstanding Local Hero We invite you to nominate an outstanding local hero in your community for the Rooted in Community Awards on June 6, 2024. The annual event celebrates individuals and organizations with strong roots in the communities we serve and contribute to our region through their work, service and leadership. Please fill out this brief form by December 8, 2023. Describe your nominee’s impact on the community and feel free to include both workplace and community success. Thank you for helping us honor those committed to supporting their neighbors and serving the greater good. Every dollar raised from the event benefits programs dedicated to improving the quality of life for vulnerable children, adults and families [...]

A Powerful Voice for Recovery: Chris’ Story

2022-09-27T11:25:13-04:00September 27th, 2022|Categories: Oaks Blog, Home Page|

Recovery is for everyone: every person, every family, every community. Recognized every September, National Recovery Month promotes substance use treatment and mental health services which support those battling these disorders in leading healthy and rewarding lives. At Oaks, our goal is to offer hope for long-term recovery and a chance to end the revolving door of treatment. Read Chris’ inspiring story of recovery. Chris’ Story Chris first attended an assessment interview at the COPE Center in 2019, after being referred to treatment for assistance with his co-occurring issues and a history of substance use. At the time of the assessment interview, Chris reported a lifelong history of trauma, grief, loss, and mental health symptoms of anxiety and depression. He [...]

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