Oaks Integrated Care

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So far Pam Collins has created 183 blog entries.

Oaks Integrated Care Announces Opening of Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC)

2020-10-29T18:47:22-04:00September 16th, 2020|Categories: Press Release|

Innovative Program Expands Mental Health & Addiction Services in Camden County Mount Holly, NJ, September 16, 2020- Oaks Integrated Care is proud to announce the opening of their Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) in Cherry Hill, NJ this week. The innovative program provides a single point of contact for individuals with behavioral health and substance abuse challenges to obtain treatment as well as address social, environmental and physical health needs. The nonprofit organization received a two-year $4 million grant to develop and implement the CCBHC in Camden County from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA) in April as part of $200 million in annual federal funding and an additional $250 million in emergency COVID-19 funding. With [...]

Overdose Awareness Day – Remember to Act!

2021-07-28T08:38:26-04:00August 31st, 2020|Categories: Oaks Blog, Home Page|

International Overdose Awareness Day is a nationally recognized, significant and meaningful day held every year on August 31st. This remembrance aims to raise global awareness of overdoses and to reduce stigmas associated with drug related deaths. It is also a day to acknowledge the grief of those suffering because of the loss of friends and families who have been affected. According to Center of Disease Control, in 2019 nearly 71,000 Americans died of drug overdoses nationwide and nearly 3,000 in New Jersey alone. Throughout New Jersey and the country, the COVID-19 pandemic is being identified as a contributing factor to the rise in overdoses and overdose deaths we are seeing as a nation this year. International Overdose Awareness Day [...]

Give A Child the Confidence Needed to Succeed

2020-08-08T20:11:50-04:00August 5th, 2020|Categories: Oaks Blog, Home Page|

Operation Fill-A-Backpack Whether kids head back to school or learn virtually in September, it is more important than ever that students are prepared to start the school year. You can give a child the confidence needed to succeed by making a monetary donation to our Operation Fill-A-Backpack drive! To ensure the health and safety of the families we serve and Oaks employees, we are asking for your support virtually in 2020. Many parents of children in Oaks Integrated Care programs cannot afford new backpacks and basic school supplies. The need for support has skyrocketed during the pandemic for families like Anthony’s… Anthony's Story When you ask five-year-old Anthony if he’s ready to start kindergarten in the fall, he will [...]

Oaks Integrated Care Kicks Off Virtual Operation Fill-A-Backpack

2020-08-16T13:49:31-04:00August 5th, 2020|Categories: Press Release|

Give a Child the Confidence Needed to Succeed this School Year Mount Holly, NJ - Whether kids head back to school or learn virtually in September, it is more important now than ever that students are prepared to start the school year. Oaks Integrated Care recently kicked off their Operation Fill-A-Backpack donation drive to help ensure children and teens in their programs head back to school with brand new backpacks filled with school supplies. Many parents of children in Oaks Integrated Care programs cannot afford basic school supplies and the need for support has skyrocketed during the pandemic. As families and students prepare for the many changes that lie ahead, each small gift can help to ensure that they [...]

Community Foundation of NJ Announces Covid-19 Response Grants

2023-11-15T14:19:54-05:00July 20th, 2020|Categories: Press Coverage|

South Jersey Observer, July 2020 - The Community Foundation of South Jersey (CFSJ) announces grants to twenty-six (26) nonprofit organizations from the COVID-19 Response Fund. The total amount awarded in round 3 is $161,500. To date, $483,500 has been awarded from the Fund to organizations serving Atlantic, Burlington, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Gloucester, Ocean, and Salem Counties. These grants support nonprofits working on the frontline of the COVID-19 health and economic crisis. It is the only dedicated response fund of its kind specifically targeted to the eight-county region. Read Full Article Here

Stress Still Exists in “The New Normal”

2021-07-02T08:54:26-04:00July 16th, 2020|Categories: Oaks Blog, Home Page|

It’s no secret that the last few months of navigating the pandemic have been stressful for many people. Even as we begin to venture out more and adjust to “the new normal,” it’s important to recognize that anxiety about COVID-19 is still very real. Stress caused by fear and worry about health, finance concerns, homeschooling and job loss can be overwhelming and emotional. Check out this list of suggestions for adults, children and families to decrease stress compiled by our experts at Oaks and other top resources. Adults Avoid excessive exposure to media coverage about COVID-19. Keep informed but try to limit the amount of news your take in whether it is from social media, television, radio, newspapers or [...]

Oaks Welcomes Denise Soto as New Chief Development Officer

2020-06-26T15:34:00-04:00June 26th, 2020|Categories: Press Release, Home Page|

Mt. Holly, NJ – Oaks Integrated Care proudly welcomes Denise Soto as the organization’s new Chief Development & Communications Officer. With nearly 20 years of experience in the nonprofit sector, Soto brings a wealth of knowledge in fundraising, event management, marketing, public relations, strategic planning and diversity and inclusion. As Chief Development Officer, Soto will oversee all fundraising and communications efforts for the nonprofit organization, one of New Jersey’s most comprehensive and forward-looking human service providers. She plans to focus on increasing donor engagement, expanding the organization’s major gift program and streamlining marketing. Derry Holland, CEO of Oaks Integrated Care, says confidently, “I’m thrilled to have Denise join our team. Her expertise and fresh energy will help us advance [...]

A Letter From Derry Holland, Oaks CEO

2020-06-04T14:21:28-04:00June 4th, 2020|Categories: Oaks Blog, Featured|

EMPATHY “Let me hold the door for you. I may have never walked in your shoes, But I can see your soles are worn. Your strength is torn Under the weight of a story I have never lived before. Let me hold the door for you. After all you’ve walked through, It’s the least I can do.” Morgan Harper Nichols I, like many of you, am angered by the death of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officers. I stand with the protestors who are screaming for an end to the racial and social disparity that exists in our country and has for hundreds of years. My feelings are overwhelming, and I say this as a white woman who has [...]

Camden County Group Receives $4 Million Federal Grant

2021-05-09T15:14:18-04:00May 30th, 2020|Categories: Press Coverage|

KYW Newsradio, May 2020 - New Jersey received $24 million from the federal government to boost mental health and addiction services through the state. $4 million of that grant is going to a group working to expand it in Camden County. It's been a long but rewarding process for the people at Oaks Integrated Care. Vice President Mike D'Amico says they provided years of proof to the Department of Health and Human Services that what they're doing is making a difference. Now, he said, it's full steam ahead in Camden County with a holistic approach model that’s been successful in other parts of the state. "Integrate care, collaborate and also improve access. We want to make sure we reduce [...]

Mental Health Urgent Care: Telehealth Available!

2020-04-22T16:21:31-04:00April 22nd, 2020|Categories: Oaks Blog, Home Page|

Early Intervention Support Services (EISS)Are you feeling overwhelmed or stressed? Don’t go straight to the Emergency Room. Early Intervention Support Services (EISS) offers immediate access to mental health services for adults 18 years and older in the South Jersey region. Consider it “urgent care” for individuals experiencing emotional or behavioral health problems. Now offering telehealth services!Check out this video featuring our Director, Kate Fischer, interviewing with Marianne Aleardi of SJ Magazine about the impact COVID-19 is having on mental health. They discuss the increase in depression and anxiety people are experiencing during this difficult times, some tips for how to adjust to a new normal and how to access Mental Health Urgent Care.Important COVID-19 UpdateWe are OPEN and accepting new [...]

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