Give a Child the Confidence Needed to Succeed this School Year

Mount Holly, NJ – Whether kids head back to school or learn virtually in September, it is more important now than ever that students are prepared to start the school year. Oaks Integrated Care recently kicked off their Operation Fill-A-Backpack donation drive to help ensure children and teens in their programs head back to school with brand new backpacks filled with school supplies.

Many parents of children in Oaks Integrated Care programs cannot afford basic school supplies and the need for support has skyrocketed during the pandemic. As families and students prepare for the many changes that lie ahead, each small gift can help to ensure that they have enough supplies to be successful in learning, in school or at home.

To ensure the health and safety of the families they serve and employees, Oaks is asking for support virtually in 2020 through monetary donations by August 21st. With the community’s help they plan to purchase and distribute over 1,000 backpacks stuffed with crayons, notebooks, folders and more to children and teens in Oaks’ programs throughout New Jersey. A $25 donation will ensure one child receives a new backpack stuffed with school supplies and a donation of $100 supports four students this school year.

Oaks Integrated Care CEO, Derry Holland explains, “A contribution to Operation Fill-A-Backpack is about more than just pens, binders, notebooks or rulers– it’s about giving the gift of opportunity and the confidence needed to learn successfully, in school or at home. We appreciate any size gift to help support our most vulnerable community members.”

Visit to make an Operation Fill-A-Backpack donation by August 21, 2020. For more information and ways to get involved, contact Community Outreach Coordinator, Addy Castellar at 609-267-5928.


Oaks Integrated Care is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for children, adults and families living with a mental illness, addiction or developmental disability. The organization offers over 230 programs throughout New Jersey designed to meet the needs of the community with compassion. For more information, please visit or call the Development Office at 609-267-5928.