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Instagram Offers Mental Health Support

2022-08-30T22:43:09-04:00May 10th, 2017|Categories: Oaks Blog|

May is Mental Health Month! As Oaks Integrated Care joins the Instagram community, we want to shed light on the strides the social media platform has taken to support mental health. Instagram is one of the largest social media platforms in the world. Recognizing their ability to offer help and support, the photo sharing app has stepped forward in an effort to better the mental health of their users. Recently they introduced a new tool aimed at helping users who suffer from mental illness and depression through encouragement from friends and family. 1 in 5 people experience mental illness in a given year according to the World Health Organization and an estimated 350 million people suffer from depression. To offer [...]

Drive-Thru Backpack Giveaway Distributes Over 900 Backpacks to Camden Community

2021-09-02T14:07:07-04:00September 2nd, 2021|Categories: Home Page, Press Release|

Mount Holly, NJ | August 31, 2021 – Oaks Integrated Care distributed over 900 brand new backpacks filled with school supplies to the Camden community at their Drive-Thru Backpack Giveaway event on August 28th. The nonprofit organization partnered with the Food Bank of South Jersey to also provide free Kids Meal Kits to all participants. Hosted by the Kroc Center in Camden, NJ, families in need of support could safely stay in their cars while volunteers, staff and Camden County Police Officers packed trunks with donations. Staff, volunteers, partners and Camden County Police Get Ready for the Drive-Thru Backpack Giveaway Event. The event was part of Oaks’ annual Operation Fill-A-Backpack drive which collected 1,000 additional stuffed backpacks [...]

Oaks Integrated Care Elects New Officers

2019-02-15T10:36:37-05:00February 14th, 2019|Categories: Press Release|

MOUNT HOLLY (NJ) – At its recent annual meeting, the Board of Trustees of Oaks Integrated Care elected new officers. David Gaskin was elected as Chair of the Board. Aaron Nelson of Marlton was elected First Vice Chair and Gerard Law of Moorestown was elected Second Vice Chair. Chelsea Carter and Colleen Crandall were both re-elected to serve as Co-Secretary/Treasurer. Mr. Gaskin serves as the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Seamen’s Society for Children and Families, based in Staten Island, New York. The Seamen's Society for Children and Families offers family foster care and adoption services, mental and behavioral health care services, a range of preventive and family treatment/rehabilitation and counseling services, domestic violence intervention, child day [...]

Oaks Integrated Care Sets Goal for Thanksgiving Meals for Families in Need

2020-03-08T22:35:20-04:00October 29th, 2019|Categories: Press Release|

Mt. Holly, N.J. – Oaks Integrated Care, a behavioral health service provider, has announced the launch of its 2019 Annual Thanksgiving Turkey Drive to benefit individuals and families in need throughout New Jersey. Donations of frozen turkeys and nonperishable Thanksgiving food items can be made now through November 18. Oaks Integrated Care hopes to collect over ­­­­­­­­­­1,900 turkeys to help make Thanksgiving special for families in their programs. Last year, Oaks distributed over 1,900 Thanksgiving dinners to families in need and this year the need is just as great. “Through our Thanksgiving Turkey Drive, we assist community members living in poverty and struggling with mental illness or a developmental disability to celebrate the holiday with a traditional Thanksgiving meal,” [...]

Oaks Integrated Care Kicks Off Virtual Operation Fill-A-Backpack

2020-08-16T13:49:31-04:00August 5th, 2020|Categories: Press Release|

Give a Child the Confidence Needed to Succeed this School Year Mount Holly, NJ - Whether kids head back to school or learn virtually in September, it is more important now than ever that students are prepared to start the school year. Oaks Integrated Care recently kicked off their Operation Fill-A-Backpack donation drive to help ensure children and teens in their programs head back to school with brand new backpacks filled with school supplies. Many parents of children in Oaks Integrated Care programs cannot afford basic school supplies and the need for support has skyrocketed during the pandemic. As families and students prepare for the many changes that lie ahead, each small gift can help to ensure that they [...]

Oaks Integrated Care Celebrates Outstanding Local Heroes

2021-06-03T14:01:53-04:00June 3rd, 2021|Categories: Press Release, Home Page|

Rooted in Community Awards Honors New Jersey Individuals and Corporations Making an Impact Mount Holly, NJ | June 3, 2021 – Oaks Integrated Care announces its first-ever Rooted in Community Awards to celebrate local heroes for their contributions to the community through work, service, and leadership. Dedicated to empowering individuals and meeting the needs of the community, the nonprofit organization offers over 230 mental health and addiction programs that will benefit from the event proceeds. The virtual ceremony kicks off Thursday, June 10, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. to recognize the following outstanding individuals and corporations: Tammy Snyder Murphy, New Jersey First Lady George Sowa, Founding CEO of Greater Trenton Cheryl Norton, Executive Vice President & COO of American Water [...]

Oaks Integrated Care Hosts Thanksgiving Turkey and Holiday Gift Drive

2023-03-03T15:42:39-05:00November 7th, 2022|Categories: Press Release|

Mount Holly, NJ | November 2, 2022 – This holiday season, Oaks Integrated Care will host its Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive and Holiday Gift Drive to benefit families struggling to make ends meet. For many families in Oaks programs, the holiday season can be a difficult time of year – financial stress and mental health challenges often intensify for those already living paycheck to paycheck. Food costs continue to rise leaving families with the difficult choice of paying for food, rent or essential medications. With support from local donors and volunteers, the nonprofit organization plans to distribute over 2,000 Thanksgiving meals and sponsor 100 families through the holiday gift drive. Community members can get involved by making a monetary donation, [...]

Oaks Integrated Care Announces Marianne Aleardi of SJ Magazine as New Board Chair

2023-03-30T12:59:16-04:00February 1st, 2022|Categories: Press Release, Home Page|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Mount Holly, NJ | January 28, 2022 - Oaks Integrated Care is proud to announce Marianne Aleardi of SJ Magazine, as the newly elected board chair for the nonprofit organization. As a dedicated member of the board of trustees for ten years, Aleardi continues to give back to the South Jersey region through service and leadership in the community. Aleardi serves as publisher / editor-in-chief of SJ Magazine, a multi-media company focusing on the people and places of Southern New Jersey. With the focus of her career on women’s empowerment, she has created and hosted Women’s Empowerment Panels and conducted one-on-one interviews with leaders such as First Lady Tammy Murphy and N.J. Health Commissioner Judith Persichelli. In [...]

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